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Member: harvey

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Located: Moravia, NY
Alpine skiing, carpentery, old tractors, chasing varmits... My other job (year round now) is processing sand and gravel, producing aggergates and asphalt for highways.

Digitize embriodery for the CEO's embroidery shop, on the side.

Some varmit rifles, sporters, plinkers and shotguns

All but the 22lr & 12ga"s are neck sized handloads gotta build some smokin loads for the 22-250.

Goal is to get back into long range shooting varmits and competition.
Mowing/trimming 2.5 acres, general chores, small excavation, wood cutting (burn a face cord a week during winter), landscaping plus what-ever-else comes up. Quarter mile of driveway plus parking areas to maintain plus remove snow.

We have wild geese and our own ducks and geese on the pond. And coyote plus a fox or 2 (4 legged kind) roaming the area looking for a meal.
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