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Kubota "BX" September 15,1999

Kubota Announces new line of tractors to fit between Current Garden Tractors and B series machines, coined the "BX" series. Kubota will also discontinue the B1700 and B2100, by creating a souped up version of the B7300 that will include the much needed power steering. You will still be able to buy a 21 and 24 hp model though, after the name changes settle. There is also talk of a 29 hp B series. Just have to hold your breath though, as just like last year, it was along time before the B2710 actually showed up at the dealers. But if you are one of those customers looking to move up from a Garden Tractor, the BX may be worth the wait, which I think will be Late Spring or Early Summer, hope I am wrong.


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