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Bianchi Ranger Viper 4601 Shoulder Hoster
I tend to use Galco leather. I believe that the rig I use for my SIG is called a Miami holster. For more concealed, I carry a J Frame in a Galco Fanny Pack. If I want more fire power, I use a Galco Hidden Agenda which will carry my SIG and a magazine without raising any suspicion. The Hidden Agenda looks like a Day Planner only its a lot heavier when stocked with a SIG and 30 rounds of .357 SIG.
As for the accidental discharge...I agree with DRankin. However, I used to be a Glock fan, but not for CCW any longer. I have never had an accidental discharge, but I feel that the Glock triggers are too sensitive when I might be trying to find/draw my gun quickly. I used to carry the Glock in the small of my back, but it can be tricky to get to the gun under a coat and if the trigger catches something on the way out or if my finger were to find the trigger when going for the gun. I prefer a full length DA trigger pull for the first shot.
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