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Bianchi Ranger Viper 4601 Shoulder Hoster
I have been looking for a shoulder holster rig to carry my CZ75 as well as other similar size pistols and spare magazine in cooler season clothing and a friend suggested the Bianchi Ranger Viper shoulder holster.
I looked at a number of shoulder holster rigs and the Ranger Viper 4601 seemed to appear comfortable to wear and gave good concealment. I ordered it about 2 weeks ago and it came within a few days of ordering from Security Pro. It cost $61.50.
I have been wearing it and so far the concealment factor is very good. Nobody has even suspected or noticed. For the most part the holster is comfortable to wear. I am still experimenting with various holster strap adjustments to obtain the best fit and comfort for all situations. Cross draw position is not bad and the reach is within reason as far as gun position wearing the holster. There are loops at the bottom of the holster and magazine pouch to accomodate a pants belt looped through to hold the holster and magazine in place during wear and drawing the gun or spare magazine.
One area that calls for extreme caution is securing the gun in the actual holster. It is held in the holster well by and fabric coated spring clip that grasps the gun frame and rear slide. If you are not careful or try to insert the gun in a hurry, it is possible to cycle the gun slide which could cause a jam or for folks who just can't keep that trigger finger out of the trigger guard and trigger assy., conceivably set up a situation in which a accidental (read stupidic) discharge. I insert the gun in the holster with my thumb behind the slide and hammer to hold them both in place. This seems to work well.
Over all I am very satisfied with the Bianch Ranger Viper 4601 shoulder holster. I am curious as to what you guys are wearing and what your opinions are as well.
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Bianchi Ranger Viper 4601 Shoulder Hoster
"set up a situation in which a accidental (read stupidic) discharge ."
I read about a cop who had just shot a charging pitbull and was all wound up and stuck his gun into the holster with his finger still on the trigger. The gun went off shooting the him in the leg. That got the cop really pissed, so he slammed the gun into the holster again, with the finger still in the trigger guard! Bam! Shot himself again!!
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Bianchi Ranger Viper 4601 Shoulder Hoster
We fired recruits who couldn't keep their stinking fingers off the trigger.
The ONLY time you touch the "go" button is when the sights are on the target and you have made the decision to shoot.
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Bianchi Ranger Viper 4601 Shoulder Hoster
I tend to use Galco leather. I believe that the rig I use for my SIG is called a Miami holster. For more concealed, I carry a J Frame in a Galco Fanny Pack. If I want more fire power, I use a Galco Hidden Agenda which will carry my SIG and a magazine without raising any suspicion. The Hidden Agenda looks like a Day Planner only its a lot heavier when stocked with a SIG and 30 rounds of .357 SIG.
As for the accidental discharge...I agree with DRankin. However, I used to be a Glock fan, but not for CCW any longer. I have never had an accidental discharge, but I feel that the Glock triggers are too sensitive when I might be trying to find/draw my gun quickly. I used to carry the Glock in the small of my back, but it can be tricky to get to the gun under a coat and if the trigger catches something on the way out or if my finger were to find the trigger when going for the gun. I prefer a full length DA trigger pull for the first shot.
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Bianchi Ranger Viper 4601 Shoulder Hoster
Just a follow up on this holster. I bought one and used it for awhile and find I no longer use it because it very uncomfortable to wear. For typical size 15 shot gun the holster gets unbalanced because of the huge weight difference between the side with the gun and the other side with just one magazine clip.
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