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The laws for sling shots.
If I buy a sling shot from this company www.lducompany.com will it be ok to make it into the states? It would be coming from China. I have a friend in Australia who wants me to order one for him because he does not have paypal but I am worried that the slingshot will not make it through Australian customs. This LDU company says that they guarantee delivery to Australia for slingshots but I would like to learn some things so here I am asking. Here is the address to the guaranteed sling shot delivered to Australia for my friend http://www.liangdianup.com/inventory/271201AUS.htm but there is no talk about slingshots shipping to the USA if they are guaranteed or not for delivery.
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The laws for sling shots.
I've not heard of import restrictions on things like bows and arrows or slingshots, but you never know these days. In any case, there are lots of other ways your friend can pay than Paypal.
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