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Well so far so good. It has been climbing well and hasn't given me any problems. There are just a few adjustment due to cable stretchin. I am taking it to Arkansas into the mountains for a trail ride. I'll keep you guys informed on how well it does. There will be some Mules there and I will see if that wanna have a pull off.(not an arkansas pull off
Well if any of you have problems let me know. And have fun!!!!!!!!
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Glad to hear they finally got you straitened out.
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Sounds Good
When and where is the Ride in Arkansas ??
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Well its back in the shop again. The front drive shaft was knocking and about to fall out. I call Kubota in Calif. and talk to one of the head guys there. They told me they would look in replacing or refunding me. I told him about my trip and how I was unsure about taking it with me. He said he would give me an answer in a few days. All I can do is wait. If its not one things its another. They are quick to take your money, but slow to refund it.
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