More Kubota RTV Problems
Well I had it repaired and was told it was the brass plate at the rear not letting fluid flow right. I got it home and after 2 1/2 hours or less. It was doing the same thing and was making loud rattling noises and was vibrating. I told my dealer and he said bring it back in. Now they had it for a full week and still having problems. You would think the dealer would replace it or send it back. But I have no choice now but to sell it.
I will not fight with it nor try and deal with it anymore.
maybe one of you have an idea or info.
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More Kubota RTV Problems
I think I would give the dealer another shot at fixing it and communicate to the dealer that if this problem continues; that you want another RTV. I doubt they will do this but it will clearly convey to them that you are nearing the end of your patience with this unit. Ask them for a loaner while yours is being fixed. You can always sell it but you are gonna take a big hit on the resale, especially if this machine is a problem child.
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More Kubota RTV Problems
Elephant dung? Monkeyman! Are you a Democrat?
Or is this the kinder and gentler side of you?
I sure hope you get the problem resolved. My RTV runs better every time I use it. 70 hours and it is just starting to loosen up.
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More Kubota RTV Problems
monkeyman, did your other thread about your RTV disappear? I can't seem to find it.
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More Kubota RTV Problems
Billy, it indeed did disappear after Chief insisted on driving it into the ditch!!
Monk, please explain how you could be pleased for 2.5 hours and then it goes poop!
FYI I have asked our regional rep personally and while some complain as to the performance that we have discussed (Now Disappeared)I can assure you that all of those that I know are interested in finding a legitimate reason for your being dissatisfied!!
And give me more details as I also own one!!
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More Kubota RTV Problems
Thanks Dean. I was almost positive I didn't dream it.
Another question(s). When did this site start deleting threads? Do we have moderators and if so, who are they? It'd be nice to know what the policies are.
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More Kubota RTV Problems
Your welcome and I can assure you that it was not a dream, nightmare perhaps but you were definitely not dreaming!!
I have no idea it appearers that someone has a personal problem with a connection!
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More Kubota RTV Problems
Well I used DUNG so not to affend anyone. Means the same but on a nicer note.
I wish a Kubota rep would call me, I would like to talk to one. My dealer can only say so much and fix the problem. Maybe a rep could help a bit more. I emailed them and it will take up to 7 days for a response.
I have a rather deep creek I have to cross on a daily basis and I need to get over there with ease. My Mule had no problem crossing it and it seems the Kubota has traction and power to the wheeles problem. Not the engine, its strong but the HVT seems to be the problem. I miss the belt on the Mule, it never once slipped or gave me a problem. I do know if I sell this one, I will get a Mule and never look back.
I have a two wheel drive MF tractor that crosses the creek with ease even pulling a plow or 12 ft shredder. So I know its not the angle of the creek.
Here is my number if you of you want to call and call me after 7 pm or on the weekends unless you have CINGULAR, that way we can talk at no charge.
512 554 5132
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More Kubota RTV Problems
It does appear that the original thread has disappeared. Maybe we should ask Dennis what happened, after all, he OWNS this web site. If it was my site I would have trashed it long ago.
Asking might be better than casting aspersions before any facts are known.
Speaking of casting aspersions,
Dean... what exactly is your problem with Randy? You seem very quick to interject yourself into any situation where you might embarrass him.
Kind of reminds me of the Dem's when they talk about Bush. Poor man can't take a pee without someone telling him he did it wrong, even to the point where someone else pees and they blame him.
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More Kubota RTV Problems
Well I'm not all that into politics. But Bush is cool, he doesnt take dung. But Clinton kept the hoes in tha house. And answer this. If any of you were president. Why would you pick someone as fat and ugly as Monica? As president you would have your pick of fine women.
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