what was the number and who did you talk too? i would like to ask a few questions myself.
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It was at a farm show and I was just lucky that Kubota sent a real rep and not just a dealer salesman. I may see another one thursday at a different show, so let me know anything you may ask and I will see what I can do.
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Sure hope you enjoyed and captured the friendly smile as you two ended your hour long discussion!!
If and when a Cooperate Rep could ever get something elevated to and acted upon by engineering let alone get permission by planners and marketing staffs to even present the project to a board of decision makers to implement the aforementioned ideas is and would be shall we say a snowballs chance in somewhere it wouldn't already be melted!!
But he did a good job and that is his mission!!
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who did you talk too and whats the number?
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I agree wholeheartedly the RTV needs an electric locking front diff. I'm tired of getting out and putting the 2'x10's with the 1' angle iron cross pieces under both front tires just to get over a little stump or whatever. When I could just flip a switch like on the Yamaha Rino. I think it is more of a price point issue than an engineering issue. We get snow over ice here a lot this time of year and I find I just park the 'bota more often than not.
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O.K. so I'm not about to have the Kubota dealer call and tell me to 'cmon down' and git my new 'lectric locking front diff anytime soon... ordered a set of custom made 'ice'(v-link) tire chains for the front and rear of the RTV. We'll see if that helps. Had to break out the tools yesterday, farm jack and 2"x10" boards to get the bugger out of a hole it dug itself into...broke thru the crust and was hung up like a turtle. No help from the front and only one spinning at the rear. Rear diff lock malfunction I guess 
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I got mine stuck in the snow while it was chained up on the rear.
It would not spin the wheels in reverse. I could have extracted myself going downhill in reverse, but it simply would not turn the wheels in that direction.
After 5 days at the dealer, they were told by Kubota that it is designed to have limited power in reverse. I have no idea why they would do this, but that came from official sources.
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