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RTV Problems and Solutions
Ryobi sells a battery operated wet/dry vacuum the same system as for screw guns, etc. If you switched the hoses around and blew air rather than sucked air you could mount the hose to the air intact cannister. Instead of using the 9V-14V battery, you could hook it up directly to your RTV's battery. If you flip the vac switch on, you should get an HP boost like Murf has said from increased air flow.
This may sound like a Red Green or McGiver trick but you should be ok, if you don't use duct taper or a Swiss Army knife.
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RTV Problems and Solutions
Yooper, I love that idea. A poor man's supercharger. You could take your friends for a ride, then at the base of a hill flip the switch and start the "blower." Better yet would be an gas leaf blower. That might have the CFM needed to effectively increase the oxygen intake and wouldn't be a drain on the charging system. Everyone would hear you coming though. 
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RTV Problems and Solutions
mine also wouldnt pull and would get stuck...on a hill it would struggle to climb it...i know mine was a lemon but yours sounds like it is doing what mine did...contact kubota and tell them what is going on and dont settle for a loss...they should refund you and know that the machine is lacking power and traction...maybe next time they will get it right...if your going to design a machine that cost more the comp. make it better
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RTV Problems and Solutions
Monkeyman, everyone has different chores and desires for machines. You say they don't pull, I have farmers pulling loaded hay wagons with them both in and out of the fields down roads at the same speeds as a farm tractor, although it is an overload by Kubota ratings. I've seen a lot of machines not be what I would like under certain working conditions but normally with a few modifications they can be improved for those curcumstances. We have taken in numerous mules, gas and diesel and the owners have no complaints over the difference and actually have found many things they really like about the RTV. We have done no modifications to these machines although I wish you were on the other coast as I have been looking for an owner that would let us play with a few adjustments to better tweak a machine. We know Kubota is quite consevative in most all ratings but they build for endurance which is often perfered by most over higher performance. Shoes are great, but there is no one pair for us all!
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RTV Problems and Solutions
I am sure my RTV would have pulled a hay wagon.... on a hard surfaced road, closer to sea level. I never had a problem with the low/forward range, unless I got in real deep sand and really buried it.
It is going away because it cannot handle its own weight in reverse.
I wish I could get it to the other coast too, between Art and Murf we could probably come up with something, at least on the transmission. The only thing that will cure the altitude problem is a bigger engine.
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RTV Problems and Solutions
Mark, did your RTV make any smoke under load?
The reason I ask is that the usual way to tune a diesel engine is to balance the fuel & air mixture.
If yours smoked, it's starving for air, if not, it's likely not getting enough fuel.
If they have no control over less (or thinner) air the normal reaction would be to turn down the amount of fuel to maintain the right proportions of air to fuel. In fact there really is no adjustment that can be made to the airflow to the engine so adjusting fuel is the only option.
In your case you need to go the other way around. You need to find a way to encourage more airflow. It might be worth an experiment. I would first hobble together some sort of temporary exhaust, less the muffler, and a little larger diameter if possible. Then ditch the factory air box in favour of a high flow K&N or similar air cone with a re-useable element.
I know on a pickup diesel, just those two changes will give as much as a 20% boost in power.
You may also find a tech or specialty diesel shop who can turn up the fuel delivery rate on your rig.
The other, more expensive option, would be to merely swap your fuel pump for the one for the next bigger 'Bota engine.
Some things to think about.
Best of luck.
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RTV Problems and Solutions
well i just let ppl know what problems i had and that i used mine to pull and haul heavy loads...i do miss the power steerring...but i wont posthere anymore...seems when i do i get jumped on for something...like every1 else know waht thyey are talkin bout and im just a complainer...i have the ultimate machine and will put it up against any kubotie any day for any amount of money...but you gurls have fun ok with your inferior machine
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RTV Problems and Solutions
I have had the chance to tweak an RTV. First was the reverse and forward relief valves bumped it up to pop off 500 lbs and 150 lbs more. Second Tuned the engine to deliver a slightly richer air fuel till just a hint of black smoke was visible under a heavy load. Then to test it out I hooked to a TC33 and had a tug of war contest. There was no real winner both spun the wheels. So I mark it up to the mods done on the RTV. With a little more weight and possibly some wider tires and wheels I think the RTV would take it.
Monkeyman find a spell checker.
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RTV Problems and Solutions
I have read nearly everything on this and the other tractor sites since the rtv came out. We did buy on, with 120 hours on it now. Tooled around last night for a few hours, thinking back on the discussions, as well as 40 years of owning these types of things. Came to the realization that the rtv suites me just fine. BUT, if purchased more than 5 years ago I would have been dissatisfied. For me, the right machine has depended upon where I was at in life. Went through the dirt bike racing period, the souped up machines, the hell on wheels period. For me now the strenths and limitations of the rtv are acceptable. Thats why I did a lot of research on this machine. It's not a climber, nor speedy. But the comfort, reliability, etc. match's what I want in this stage of my life.
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