I just may start hunting!!!
We don't have a bear problem here but we have a BIG beaver problem. There is National Park Service land next to us and they outlawed trapping on the river. This started back with the politically correct movement in "great society" days of the sixties. Now there are so many beaver here that you cannot get rid of them. I bought my backhoe to keep digging the dam out and keep our water flowing.
Maybe some PETA people will dress up as beavers, gnaw on a tree trunk, and the tree will fall on them (see another recent thread).
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I just may start hunting!!!
We are REALLY sensitive about beaver threads around here. 
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I just may start hunting!!!
Yup. We are.
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I just may start hunting!!!
I caught that "sensitivity" from a few comments I've read since signing on. Have some people been overly obsessed with beavers? I can see where that might happen.
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I just may start hunting!!!
I think the most sensitive 'beaver battlers' have migrated to another board, the ones that remain have taken successfully completed their sensitivity training.
We are now only sensitive about certain types of bears and tractors, some odd variety of colour-blindness.... .
Best of luck.
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I just may start hunting!!!
Murf, you almost forgot and so did I that we are just as sensitive if not more so about summer/winter diesel fuel additive as well. Diesel fuel additive drinking beavers would shut this place down! Peace.....out! 
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I just may start hunting!!!
You maybe right there Chief, then again, if we are talking about 'dock beavers' getting 'fuelled up'..... that could really cause a first class SNAFU ....
Speaking of 'dock beavers' I added my favourite fishing picture (see pic. # 9) to my album, however I did edit it slightly since we run a G-rated forum here.
Enjoy, enjoy, original available to those who wish it.
Best of luck.
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I just may start hunting!!!
Two of the nicest bass I've seen in a while...
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I just may start hunting!!!
So that's why you call this the "just for fun forum."
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I just may start hunting!!!
I'm sorry I had to hide the 'weather indicators' in the picture or you could have seen how nice a day it was, .
Best of luck.
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