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I just may start hunting!!!
GEEEEEZZZZZ Murf with two nice bass like that who's worried about the weather? Do you suspose she'll clean them? TOO!
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I just may start hunting!!!
Forgot to mention, she caught the fish, and it's HER boat!
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I just may start hunting!!!
I am sorry I am not sure that this would be a easy hunt. PETAS bears it could be quite dangerous. I watched the Jeff Foxworthy special on the weekend and one of the comics made an important observation.
It is reported that women are attacked about 3 to one over men. The comic noted that they think this is due to menstration. He also commented that he did not think that the bears were that bright after all he thought that if the choice was between the bear and a PMS stress female he would definately go for the bear. How long would the bear stay mad at him if he attacked? He knows the PMS enraged female will be at his throat for at least five days.
Back to the original problem. Do you know of any better example of a PMS stressed female than the PETA types? Have you looked closely? Better man than I Gunga Din.
Having spent significant time in NJ is there any way you carve the area near NY city into the new state? On second thought why not just start a problem bear relocation progam to Etown or Newark. It might allow them to reduce their aggression levels, possibly using the Darwinian approach.
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I just may start hunting!!!
See, I knew this was going to be a great place. I hope you don't mind me jumping in on this one as a new comer, But I was born and raised in north Jersey, got out of town when I was 17. Finally settled for the Wild and wonderful West Virginia, but I have to say that baltimore / DC sprawl along with PETA is starting to show up here and I am not happy about it. Do you think if all of the tractor folks got together we could build Peta its own little state and they would just leave the rest of us alone
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I just may start hunting!!!
"Scott, that is a good question. When you moved to the "Peoples Republic of New York", how did you deal with the ridiculous NY gun laws. I had a friend who moved there after retiring from the Army. When he went to voluntarily register his weapons with the local police dept. The police confiscated his weapons and held them until his approval to own those weapons came through. He peacefully waited.......I'm not so sure I would have done the same. I probably would have never registered the weapons and kept it to myself. Bear in mind one of my friends weapons was a Krieghhoff K-80 four gauged tubed barrel skeet gun. Not exactly a weapon you want to let out of your sight if you know what I mean."
Some story but, I got that beat by a mile buddy!
When I retired I went to the local sheriff to get my gun license. It is a rubber stamp deal if you're retired LEO..or so it should be So I filled out the paper work and went home.
Several weeks later I get a letter, they denied me because.....drumroll please, they said I was in a mental institution for 8 years Here I am I just retired and due to some computer glitch they had me in a rubber room for close to a decade instead of a police department!
I may be crazy but I'm not that bad, I mean standards in my department may have slipped but come on! 
MANY phone calls and several months later I got my carry permit. The Judge was cracking up when she finally got my paperwork and signed off on it. She was real nice and was laughing when she saw what had happened. She even joked 'so you're a retired Sergeant and you're sure you were never in a mental instituiton"? 
Turns out it was some hospital that couldn't find the paper record that supposedly existed and all they had were computerized dates of admittance for someone witht eh same name and a diagnosis, anorexia. Men are very rarely anorexic and nodoby gets locked in a rubber room for 8 years for that. Heck, even Hinkley is getting weekend furloughs 
Thankfully with my past employment history, no paper medical records, the ridiculous diagnosis it was taken care of quickly. For someone else it could have taken lawyers fees and years. I still had to wade through the incompetents in the hospital until I talked to some bigshot and nicely told him I would be suing if a letter stating that I had NEVER been there wasn't forthcoming.
P.S. By the way I am a lifer, I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY so I am use to the BS. In reality my "new" county, Orange is gun friendly, in NYC...oh boy. I love many things about NY, unfortunately like most populous areas they are "gunaphobic"
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I just may start hunting!!!
She doesn't look like the PETA type???

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I just may start hunting!!!
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this is my son bear hunting last week
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