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 01-26-2018, 16:46 Post: 120262

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 Gun laws vs. Abortion laws

A retorical question:

1) How do liberals justify overturning abortion bans when abortion is not explicitly protected by the Constitution, yet, at the same time, enact bans on gun carry when "the right to bear arms" is a Constitutionally protected right?

2) How did we allow "the right to bear arms" to be taken away in many states, when it's reading is so clear and self-explanatory?

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 01-27-2018, 07:29 Post: 120267

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 Gun laws vs. Abortion laws

If you apply the template that the liberals are by nature intellectually dishonest, then the disconnect you question is easier to understand.

Several years ago there was a gruesome STABBING in NYC. The mayor responded by calling for more GUN control.

It isn't about controlling guns as much as it is about government controlling people.

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 02-07-2018, 13:24 Post: 121196

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 Gun laws vs. Abortion laws


The 2nd Amendment is NOT clear and that is why we deal with a--holes who constantly try to tell you what it really means.
As far as I am concerned, the 2nd was written to keep the Checks and Balances for Government and for self protection. Many feel it is ONLY the militia that is entitled to keep arms, well that would be a contradiction of We the People, OF the people and FOR the people.
Here in Vermont we have NO GUN LAWS, only in a few of the Cities and even then it is NOT illegal to have a gun only carry it conceled. No permits needed. I can walk into a store with a gun on my hip and during Deer season it is done hundreds of times per day all over Vermont. Check out OUR murder rate by Guns? almost NON exsistant.
Check Morton Grove's Ill murder by Gun rate and they have strict Gun Laws.

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 02-07-2018, 23:13 Post: 121198

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 Gun laws vs. Abortion laws

Well, it's the opposite of that here in NJ: I had to get my boss's recommendation to be able to complete the permit process. The funny thing is that the libs scream about privacy when they want to hide something sinister like killing an infant or plotting a terrorist act, but when I want to get a gun, afforded to me by the clause that stipulates that "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed", then there's no privacy conserns that occur to the libs. Fine by me, I don't give a hoot, but the double standard irks me.

By the way in NJ I have NO right to BEAR arms since I'm not in law inforcement nor am I a millionair worried about an attack on my person (nor am I connected politically, like some folks who apply and get the carry permits here). Just a regular citizen...

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