Bold Coyote
Murf, I would love to see a picture of that machine when you get it finished. Sounds like a very practical idea.
Ken, I am not sure but in my area, Walmart still sells rifles and shotguns. Next time I am in there, I will check on some prices. I purchased a stainless and blued Mini-14 many years ago from the Rod & Gun club in Germany and I paid about $435 for the stainless and about $375 for the blued barrel. I also have a Mini-30 which fires 7.62mm x 39mm aka SKS & AK-47 ammo that is not a bad choice either. The ammo is cheap anyways. I used to buy it in bricks of 1350 for around $79. I am sure those prices have changed. Even a good bolt action would be more than ample.
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Bold Coyote
If you are very accurate a CB cap would kill them... noticed I said kill..... not knock em down. They will no doubt run and bleed out in a few minutes.
Better yet might be the Remington sub-sonic loads which have a heavier bullet and more speed.
In any case you would have to get a clear broadside shot and make sure it goes through the lungs or into the earhole.
Shooting out the window is something I do all the time.
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Bold Coyote
Ken, you can shoot a .338 Mag out the window when the wife is at work. It is best to open the window first, however. CB caps are too small for a coyote. You need a full power .22LR at the minimum. The Ruger Mini 14 is a .223 and is MUCH louder than a .22LR like the Ruger 10/22.
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Bold Coyote
Hmmmm, selective & surgical, huh?
How about a plexi-glass sided box-trap, substitue the propane hose for a CO2 line and an electric gas release valve, with an electric door release mechanism controlled by a radio controlled airplane or car type transmitter, receiver & servos.
When the trap gets something you look out the window and determine the catch o' the day is, if it's the Fido from dowwn the road, you flip the 'get out of jail free' switch, if it's Wiley, he gets the nitey-nite switch.
Of course a steel mesh floor and an arc welder would work too, but it might raise a few eye brows, and smell a bit...
Best of luck.
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Bold Coyote
Thanks for the info. If I wanted to use .223 I'd probably just stick with my pre-ban AR15. I've wanted a .22 for awhile so the 10/22 sounds like just the ticket. I'd like to shoot out the window and minimize noise while doing it - the cat and dog need their hearing too!
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Bold Coyote
You need a little more voltage than you normally get out of an arc welder (70 V) My electrified truck has 400 VAC on the body right now, but the current is limited to make it only painful and not lethal to an animial the size of a coyote, dog or me. A fence charger or a bug zapper will genuinely ruin Wiley's day and won't kill any neighbors, neighbors' pets, or you.
If you are out for blood, then get a transformer from a neon sign and light him up.
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Bold Coyote
Murf, you're as wiley as the coyotes I want to nail! ROTFLMAO!
I could trap 'em and shoot 'em when in the trap, but there doesn't seem to be much sport in that.
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Bold Coyote
Ken, if you keep an eye out; you can catch stores like TSC that have "get you in the door" specials on .22 semi-auto rifles real cheap. I got my Marlin-Glenfield .22 semi-auto 18 shotter with a scope many moons (about 33 years I think) ago at Zayres before they went out of business for $39 but stores like Walmart, TSC, and others still have similar sales. These rifles are very inexpensive and are accurate enough for what you want to do. The Ruger 10/22 you mentioned would do just fine. Alot easier on the ears too as you suggest. I would suggest you stick with the .22 long rifle hollow points. I have made consistent accurate shots up to 100 yards with these, although 50 - 75 is more reasonable.
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Bold Coyote
Chief is right about the specials. Sporting goods places like Big 5 also have specials like that. You can often find basic .22 rifles for around $70. Don't forget about a used gun either. My favorite .22 is a pump action Remington that is older than I am.
Automatic, lever action, pump, bolt action will all work for varmit control.
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Bold Coyote
Used 22's are a real bargain. I'm useing a 20 year old 10/22 for the out the window stuff. Because I have closer neighbors I stay away from the HP's and go with solids. I like to hit in the head so what ever needs to be gone doesn't take its last step into the neighbors yard. I find that sometimes the HPs split when they hit skull bone and you getting a chargeing wood chuck. I think full msrp on a new 10/22 is around $140 ish. They all work well. I put a little scope on mine from cabelas. I think I'm going to have to import Murf to put him after our beavers. The bachelors roam this time of year. When we were leaving a couple of weeks ago one of the trappers was pulling out with a 45 pounder. It seems like the coyotes should eat them instead of my deer. Dave
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