Kubota RTV900 needs a snowblower. Any ideas
Need a blower for an RTV 900. Any ideas??
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Kubota RTV900 needs a snowblower. Any ideas
I think you would need an independant blower package like those used in big commercial units for payloaders and big trucks, or the small ones made for ATV's.
BTW, they're pretty spendy, in most cases it's chaper to buy an entire second machine with blower capabilities.
Best of luck.
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Kubota RTV900 needs a snowblower. Any ideas
That is a lot of weight to suspend way out in front of a 2000 pound machine and the RTV has no capacity to power anything with a pto drive shaft.
I think a plow is the best you can do with this machine, and based on recent experience it needs a bunch of extra ballast to run a plow.
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Kubota RTV900 needs a snowblower. Any ideas
On the small self-powered blowers the blower is not carried by the front of the machine.
The engine is at one end (the back end) of a long steel subframe that looks rather like a ladder, the blower is at the other (front) end and the whole affair usually is carried and pushed by the rear axle. There is just a few small linkages at the front to stabilize and lift the blower by overcoming the balance only. The power is transmitted by means of a driveshaft that runs up along the frame to the blower.
They work quite well, a neighbour at my summer place has one on an ATV, it really moves a lot of snow quickly.
Best of luck.
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Kubota RTV900 needs a snowblower. Any ideas
The key phrase here is "small blower".
I think the RTV would need something wide enough to cover the tracks..... something like 54 inches wide?
Not small or light.
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Kubota RTV900 needs a snowblower. Any ideas
The one my neighbour has is a 42" cutting width and is powered by a 13hp Honda gas engine, I doubt it would weigh more than about 500 pounds.
I seem to recall that he said his was patterned after a larger one that was 60" wide, powered by a 20hp, and carried by small SSL.
This thread has sort of sparked my interest so I did a little digging this subject this morning during my coffee.
Here's what I came up with.
20hp Honda V-twin, 112 pounds.
54" 2-stage blower, 362 pounds (including the PTO driveshaft not needed).
Frame and related hardware, under 50 pounds.
Maximum weight, about 525 pounds.
When do you need it delivered by? .
Best of luck.
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Kubota RTV900 needs a snowblower. Any ideas
Ok. Seriously I realize that I need to be in close to the 60 Inch range. While weight is an issue some of the smaller units for ATV are designed with there own wheels to support the majority of the weight. Using a 2 stage PTO blower converted to use a 20 hp Honda sounds like a good plan..... Got any on the shelf I'll take 2 next week and an option for 3 more later...
any other info would be great thanks
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Kubota RTV900 needs a snowblower. Any ideas
I figure a competant fabricator with all the parts on hand could make one in less than a day.
Delivery to Nova Scotia may take a little longer....
Best of luck.
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Kubota RTV900 needs a snowblower. Any ideas
Any pictures or measurements that may come your way would be most appreciated.
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