I just may start hunting!!!
For whatever reason I just have never been into hunting (animals that is ), this may have changed. My neighboring state to the south, NJ is going to be issuing permits to hunt black bears. This is due to their rising numbers and shrinking habitat. There are just too many bears in backyards right now.
Naturally the animal rights/ PETA wackos are up in arms. They have floated and idea/threat that they aregoing to be dressing in bear suits and forming a human shield for the bears! :o
Now if that aint' motivation to hunt I don't know what is !! Gotta run out to the ammo store...anyone know what the bag limit on PETAs is??? 
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I just may start hunting!!!
Sounds like a winner to me. At least you won't have to worry about gutting the PETAs since they are gutless!!!
Some people complain about anything and want to cause trouble over everything. I work in Washington DC and the number of people that come here to picket and demonstrate is unbelievable. Then you have people who come to picket the orignal people who are picketing and it keeps going.
How about if one of the black bears decide to mate with one of the fake PETA bears!!!! Or if real bear determines that the fake is in his territory!!! Could be a problem???
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I just may start hunting!!!
"How about if one of the black bears decide to mate with one of the fake PETA bears!!!! "
I have seen MANY of the PETA members it seems they may have already mated with animals. Not the best looking people on the face of the earth, it's like a home for society's misfits.
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I just may start hunting!!!
Given PETAs professed love for animals, I'd bet that it would be more likely that they would be chasing the bears instead of the other way around. A good defense attorney could probably sue them for sexually assaulting the bears.
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I just may start hunting!!!
Around here you're allowed to shoot 'problem' animals ...
I wonder if PETA bears qualify as 'problems' ...
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I just may start hunting!!!
Lawman, You live in a beautiful state. One of the major things holding me back from moving there from Pennsylvania are the restrictive gun laws. Any chance of succession? Say a West New York and East (Berlin) New York?
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I just may start hunting!!!
Scott, that is a good question. When you moved to the "Peoples Republic of New York", how did you deal with the ridiculous NY gun laws. I had a friend who moved there after retiring from the Army. When he went to voluntarily register his weapons with the local police dept. The police confiscated his weapons and held them until his approval to own those weapons came through. He peacefully waited.......I'm not so sure I would have done the same. I probably would have never registered the weapons and kept it to myself. Bear in mind one of my friends weapons was a Krieghhoff K-80 four gauged tubed barrel skeet gun. Not exactly a weapon you want to let out of your sight if you know what I mean.
As far as the PETA bears........can you say shaving cream or tennis ball cannon????
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I just may start hunting!!!
sure glad I live in Texas. We don't have a bear problem here. (PETA BEARS OR OTHERWISE)
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I just may start hunting!!!
I expect that those big cans of "Bear Pepper Spray" would work on those PETA bears just fine. Better safe than sorry! 
I would have to question the sanity of anyone that would dress up in fur or antlers and run around in hunting areas. I have seen these people disrupt hunts by just deciding to "hike" noisily in the woods during hunting season.
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I just may start hunting!!!
Hey, wait a minute, you guys may be on to something here!!!
Picture it, a fur suit, tan on the back, white on the front, big furry ears, a nice rack of antlers and a nice little twitchy tan & white tail.....
I even have the perfect name for it....
"The Mother-in-Laws Hunting Outfit".
The line up forms to the left guys....
Best of luck.
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