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How loud is subsonic .22 ammo?
Might just be my ignorance, but I shoot quite a few 22LR's without protection. Only in a rifle, though. The same rounds that are fairly quiet in a rifle are pretty noisy in a handgun. And I always use plugs when practicing with larger stuff like my 222 Rem or shotguns. In the field hunting, though, we all shoot even the big stuff un-muffled and, especially bird hunting, may fire numerous times in one morning.
My personal feeling would be that especially with sub-sonic or CB ammo in a rifle, protection would not be required for the occasional varmint shot. I have used both in rifles with good success. Keep the Aguila Colibri rounds out of the rifle, though. They are VERY quite (hammer snap is a lot louder than the actual detonation) but can easily lodge in the barrel.
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How loud is subsonic .22 ammo?
I agree with you Arch. Full powered ammo in a 22 "rifle" would be a non issue.
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How loud is subsonic .22 ammo?
The word subsonic when applied to ammo has almost nothing to do with how much noise it makes at the firearm end. It is relative to how fast the projectile travels on the way to the TARGET end. In the case of subsonic ammo, it travels slower than the speed of sound (~1100 fps) meaning that the SOUND of the gun going off gets to the target BEFORE the projectile.
Long guns, hand guns, old guns, shotguns, don't matter. The more often firearms go BANG around unprotected ears, the closer the shooter is to a pair of hearing aids (or injecting the word "huh?" into a lot of conversations). Been shooting for nearly 50 years, and wearing hearing aids for the last 20.
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How loud is subsonic .22 ammo?
Archdean, my audiologist disagrees with you. So does the National Institute of Health. It's called Acoustic Trauma. I've lost some hearing, diagnosed as nerve damage caused by Acoustic Trauma, and it is not any fun. I now wear hearing protection for almost every noisy activity - chainsaw, circular saw, hammering, shop vac, etc. Might as well try to preserve what hearing I have left.
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How loud is subsonic .22 ammo?
Ken, the subsonic ammo is of little use to you with respect to reduction of noise as the shooter. Subsonic ammo does not emit the signature charactistic "crack" (which is the bullet breaking the sound barrier with normal ammo) and creates less noise for those who live around you. The sonic "crack" noise carries a long ways. Other uses for subsonic ammo is when employing sound suppresson devices such as a barrel muffler or "silencer" in military and other sanctioned use. The CB caps are effective as long as you are VERY close to the animal being shot. Not always possible.
What I keep handy for pests and varmints is a Sheridan 5mm Blue Streak pump air rifle ($100 - $165). These also come in 22 cal. as well. These rifles are VERY accurate and can push a pellet to about 700 fps, which is about near the performance of a 22 short. It is powerful enough to put a lead pellet through both sides of a 5 gallon pail. Very effective out to about 30 yards.
If you want to spend the big bucks and go for 1100 fps plus; I use a Weihrauch HW90 with a 4x scope mounted on it $500 - $600). Be advised that even though this is a pellet rifle, it is every bit as leathal as a 22. I have shot through both sides of 2 5 gallon pails lined up together with this pellet rifle. VERY effective out to 50 yards and maybe a bit more with a scope and heavy pellets.
I would recommend the Sheridan air rifle. Mine is over 25 years old and still working. I use it to coax stray wild dogs to find other living accomdations. I can nail them at 30 - 40 yards and not kill or hurt them seriously but seriously get there attention. It also allows you the option of not pumping up the gun to full power so as to sting and not penetrate if need be. I would hate to hurts someones pet. For other pests and varmints; pumped up to full power it works great.
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How loud is subsonic .22 ammo?
I answered your original question in regards to what you asked!!"
Do you still need hearing protection with subsonic .22 ammo? I'm looking for something I can put by the door and use to shoot varmints without grabbing for my ear plugs and muffs. I've lost enough of my hearing already."
The great thing about this country is everyone can disagree at any time for any reason!
"Causes, incidence, and risk factors Return to top
Acoustic trauma is a common cause of sensory hearing loss. Damage to the hearing mechanisms within the inner ear may result from an explosion near the ear, gunshots, or long exposure to loud noises (such as loud music or loud machinery).
Symptoms Return to top
hearing loss
usually partial and involving high-pitched sounds
may be slowly progressive
noises, ringing in the ear (tinnitus)
The real culprit as your own reference shows is Prolonged exposure!! How many varmints are you contemplating shooting out your back door with a sub sonic .22 cal rifle??? And will this be continuous non stop activity ??
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How loud is subsonic .22 ammo?
Archdean, I appreciate your thoughts, but I'm not sure how you read the NIH link and concluded that only prolonged exposure to noise leads to hearing loss since "gunshots" and "long exposure to loud noises" are comma separated and listed as separate causes. The audiologist told me that a single loud noise event could damage sensory hairs in the inner ear and lead to hearing loss years later. No offense, but I believe her.
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How loud is subsonic .22 ammo?
I had no idea that pellet guns had become so sophisticated. The ones I've used have all been fairly cheap. There's a website that sells about 20 different brands and some of them look really, really nice. My plan is to try different types of rounds ammo in my .22 rifle (when I can get it shipped here) and measure the noise with a sound level meter. If none of them are quiet enough I'll spring for a nice .22 pellet rifle.
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How loud is subsonic .22 ammo?
No offense taken Ken!!
You pay her!! I only responded to your .22 Question and I stand by my statement!! Personally I see no harm from hearing a retort from behind a .22 cal rifle!!
I'm fairly certain you will receive more harming frequencies (decibels)talking on your cell phone!!
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How loud is subsonic .22 ammo?
All I can say is, if you're worried about a 22 rifle causing hearing damage, I'd sure stay away from clapping hands.
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