How loud is subsonic .22 ammo?
I hear you Billy..... I think.
I try to wear ear protection when I do a lot of the things you mentioned. I find I don't get as tired running the tractor or the RTV if I remember my ear muffs.
After flying small airplanes, taking the most powerful antibiotics known to man and being exposed to about a million rounds of handgun fire, I have lost all the hearing I intend to lose.
Truth is, I suppose I would keep a rifle loaded with sub-sonics by the back door instead of the pellet gun if I thought the neighbors wouldn't complain.
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How loud is subsonic .22 ammo?
I keep an old 18 shot Marlin 22 semiautomatic by the backdoor to eliminate groundhogs from digging in the yard. I bought some cheap hollow point bullets from Wal-Mart to use. I slide open the sliding glass door and put the barrel out the door and shoot. Even inside the house the noise isn't really that loud as compared to shooting my little 22 Beretta pistol outside. I should use hearing protection, but for the occaissional shot I pass. Just be careful if the shell kicks out on the Mrs. curio cabinet as she will become very upset and be a lot worse than the varmit. I guess you know how I know this.
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How loud is subsonic .22 ammo?
I'm gone a few days and miss a great discussion. 
After getting a hearing test during a physical at the Mayo clinic my left ear heard only about half as high on the frequency scale as the right ear. The first thing the doc asked me was "Do you shoot guns alot?"
I have a friend who operates heavy equipment for a living and he actually thinks his hearing cannot get worse than it is so why bother with hearing protection. The main thing to remember is that no matter how bad your hearing is, a continued high decibel environment will make it worse.
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How loud is subsonic .22 ammo?
dang you have got to be a genius
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How loud is subsonic .22 ammo?
That's your first post in our forum?
Maybe you can edit this and add something constructive or uplifting.
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How loud is subsonic .22 ammo?
Gee whiz, no one’s ever called me a genius before. I’m really humbled that you used your first and only post to tell me that. Did you join TP just for that reason?
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How loud is subsonic .22 ammo?
CCI 22 CB caps sticking in a bore? Never had that happen, never seen it. I Shoot C B caps in populated area to kill vermin such as rats, squirrels and starlings. I can shoot through a 5 gallon pail with water in in. They are very quiet but I'm guessing due to there velocity, prone to richocet.
I 've had mxed results on sub sonic ammo. Some quality is better than others. My CZ 22 shoots most sub sonic ammo very accurately and quietly.
CCI makes a round that is just the primer. Type CCI.com and do a search.
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How loud is subsonic .22 ammo?
The Mauser in question had a 29 inch barrel. I had to trim it back to about 20 inches after the mishap.
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How loud is subsonic .22 ammo?
My answer to the subsonic issue is in two parts.
The first answer is a PCP air rifle. PCP stands for Pre-Charged Pneumatic. These guns are charged with a scuba tank or special air pump to about 3000 psi and with mine, I can shoot a 28 gr .22 cal pellet at about 750 fps. That is about 30 ft lbs of muzzle energy and will dispatch a small varmint. This gun does not make a Bang with very heavy pellets. My personal gun of this type is an FX Tarantula. There are many of these guns available, mostly without restrictions in the US.
The second more powerful solution is using full power .22 ammo in a sound moderated gun. These are available legally in 34 states, I believe. My favorite is the AWC Ultra .22 cal. This gun only makes a "thump" and will launch a 40gr .22 bullet at about 1000 fps. It requres a federal tax stamp and a significant background check, but it is a very good gun.
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How loud is subsonic .22 ammo?
I've had good luck with the CCI CB ammo and have been using it for years. I use it in a Winchester bolt action single shot. If there are multiple targets, you can shoot one without scaring away the other game.
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