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Youth Christmas Gift/Gun
Sorry KC but have to agree with DRankin on this one. Paintballs are for shooting people and getting rowdy, thinking that shooting people is ok and fun. Lots of people also get eye injuries from paintballs from screwing around and not having faceshields on.
Several years ago I was in an emergency room. The kid next to my mom's bed had an eye injury and they couldn't figure out what was wrong until they took a better look. The kid had been screwing around with some other kids and got shot in the face with a BB gun. Doc finally found a BB behind the eyeball. Mom & I left before they figured out what to do.
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Youth Christmas Gift/Gun
Blueman, I learned to shoot at an early age 9 or 10, but was older maybe 12 or 13 when I received my own rifle, a 22 caliber savage.
My suggestion, teach him to shoot, teach him safety, and make sure he learns to respect the firearm for what it can do, it is not a toy. A youth safety course would be an excellent idea.
Take him hunting with you, small game would be best to start.
I would buy him a rifle after you feel comfortable with his ability and maturity to safely handle the firearm. You will be doing your kid a great service.
Individuals who oppose firearms of any kind, were not taught how to shoot by their parents. They fail to realize that guns do not kill, it's the person behind the gun, hence the improper name "deadly weapon". Almost anything can be a deadly weapon in the wrong hands or when used improperly.
Have fun teaching him and value the time spent together for all too soon he will be gone. Dave
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Youth Christmas Gift/Gun
A friend of mine bought one of these youth sized chipmunk rifles. It's pretty small but seems to shoot good. He shoots rabbits with it.
I have a 9 YO too and although she hasn't shown any desire to learn to shoot, I think she would be mature enough to try shooting with supervision.
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Youth Christmas Gift/Gun
as with any firearm, you must teach and inforce proper saftey measures. Of course, as with anything you shoot there will be reprocussions, but if you handle the situation, it can be a rather fun hobby, not just for getting "rowdy".
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Youth Christmas Gift/Gun
Our family went by the 'teach them young and teach them wisely' theory, children who learn early never forget.
Firearm use and care, alcohol consumption and social behaviour, amongst other things, were clearly defined at an early age, and there was NO misunderstanding what was acceptable or not.
As we got older there was NO 'forbidden fruit', we had been there and done that, it was no big mystery or thrill.
There was never a temptation to experiment with the boundary between right & wrong either. The law held no fear for me greater than that of what would happen at home if caught.
Best of luck.
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Youth Christmas Gift/Gun
right on murf!! Sink or swim, i believe in that...it kind of rules out the whole concept of practice what you preach. And most kids learn the hard way anyways, so why waste effort..BUT...saftey should always be taken.
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Youth Christmas Gift/Gun
I think you completely missed my point there KC.
It WAS NOT 'sink or swim'......
"And most kids learn the hard way anyways, so why waste effort.."
Phew, all I can say is you're kidding right?
As a kid I was a liable to get a swat from ANY adult who saw me misbehave as from my own parents.
I am thankful I grew up in a community like that.
Today if a kid went home and said someone had hit the parents are likely going to call the police, lawyer, and anybody else they think of.
In my case if I had gone home and told my parents I got a swat for misbehaving I would have gotten whalloped again, and good, for it.
I new it, and I didn't risk it.
Best of luck.
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Youth Christmas Gift/Gun
come on now murphy, i though you knew me better, how often am i serious about anything.
Teaching swimming as opposed to drowning the kid, very good advice. I guess i got screwed up there when i got threw into the pool without proper training.
I Support Proper Education, whether it be swimming lessons or Firearm safety
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Youth Christmas Gift/Gun
Unfortunately, as the movie "Jackass" has proved, you can no longer make flip remarks and not expect a percentage of the population won't take it as gospel or good advice.
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Youth Christmas Gift/Gun
If you decide to go with the .22, I noticed in my November issue of American Hunter (NRA magazine) that Rossi makes a combo youth model with interchangeable barrels with .22/.410 that are single shot and stainless for $195.00. Their website is rossiusa.com.
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