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Springfield's New XDM 9mm
Dear friends,
Over the past week, I've had the opportunity to shoot the new Springfield Armory XDM semi-auto handgun, in 9mm.
What a fine handgun! I can't begin to explain how much I enjoyed shooting the thing.
Springfield's XDM has so many nice features that it would be difficult to list them all, however, a few of its features simply have to be pointed out.
1. The magazine holds 19 rounds of ammunition. With one in the chamber, it's loaded with 20 rounds. That, in itself, is incredible......but what's even more impressive is how light the XDM is, even when fully loaded!
2. There is no selectable safety on the XDM. Instead, the XDM utilizes two different safeties, built into the grip. The trigger has a safety built into it, as does the rear of the grip, located high, and up in front of the thumb web. If dropped with a round chambered, the XDM cannot fire. This is because both safeties must be squeezed, and they move in opposite directions. The forces applied by a sudden stop, such as when the handgun is dropped, could only deactivate one safety, at most.
3. The XDM is one of the lightest handguns I've ever handled. It weighs almost nothing, even when fully loaded. It weighs far less than my trusty 1911 .45 ACP. If a person wanted to carry the XDM as a concealed carry weapon, simply load it with only 6,8,or 10 rounds of ammo. For home defense, leave it sitting next to you on the nightstand with 20 rounds ready to go.
4. Never before have I owned a handgun that was so easy to operate in the dark. The XDM has two features that are nothing short of OUTSTANDING. First, there's a loaded chamber indicator on the top of the slide. With a loaded round in the chamber, a small protrusion can be felt just behind the ejection port, dead center on top of the slide. With a quick rub of the thumb, you'll instantly know whether or not you have to rack the slide back to chamber a round. No bump....no round chambered. In pitch black conditions, any person would instantly be able to tell whether or not the handgun has a live round in the chamber.
There's a second, similar protrusion, located at the rear of the slide, in line with the firing pin. When the weapon is cocked and ready to shoot, the protrusion at the rear of the slide is easily detectable in the dark. With these two features, there's no more wondering whether you have a round chambered, or whether the gun is cocked and ready to fire.
5. The XDM comes with three interchangeable grips. It's easy to switch them out between small, medium, or large grip. The grips are designed with unique groove angles. The angle of these grooves prevent the gun from slipping in the shooter's hand, allowing for extremely quick follow-up shots.
6. The XDM has semi-fixed sights. Both front and rear sights are mounted in dovetail slots. This makes them difficult to adjust, but they can be adjusted........not to worry though.....they're very accurate right out of the box. I was VERY impressed with the quality of the sights.
7. For those of you, like me, who do your own reloading.....well, you're really going to love shooting the XDM. Every spent round was lying two feet away from my right foot, piled neatly in a circle about 2 feet in diameter. This, while standing!
I imagine the spent casings would be in a smaller circle, while shooting in the prone or kneeling position. I shot nearly 200 rounds of ammo, while standing, in about an inch of fresh snow....yet never lost a single spent cartridge case. This is one sweet handgun for the reloader. It makes shooting extremely fun. (This is one advantage of the XDM that they don't cover at Springfield Armory's website)
8. I was extremely impressed with the accuracy of the new XDM. Every bullet fired hit right where I expected it to. Not every bullet hit the bullseye on the target, due to my own errors, but I knew where the bullet would hit as soon as I pulled the trigger. The sight picture was perfect, allowing for called shots.....time after time. I'd yell....that one was high. Sure enough, a little high. I'm confident that when fired from a pistol rest, this gun would make tight groups, right out of the box.
9. Follow-up shots were among the fastest I've ever made with any handgun. Putting three or four shots into a cardboard pizza plate, at 25 yards, in three seconds, was nothing. With a little more practice, I was doing it in two seconds. This thing is nothing short of amazing.
10. The XDM comes from the factory with a large plastic case, suitable for use with a laptop, if you so choose. It also comes with two 19 round magazines, a dual magazine holder, a FINE holster, cable lock, exchangeable grips, owner manual, and a magazine loader.
If anyone has any questions, please ask.
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Springfield's New XDM 9mm
looking for a shoulder holster 4 xdm 9 do you no about any they are hard to find. peace kevin
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Springfield's New XDM 9mm
I love all XD'S and XDM'S, I know if I shoot my gun it will work!. no if and's or but's about it! ALL my Springfield's will shoot where I point them! but I have a kimber PRO11 TRL/RL THAT IS JUNK! I would never take to a gun fight!? it was sent back to kimber but after 5 weeks they sent it back to me with the same things are messing up? FTF JAMS???? I called kimber and they told me that I have to clean it every 100 rounds? what did he tell me to do? I ask him if he was on dope? the gun would not make 100 rounds? I thing kimber just got to big to fast! they show me they do not care about the person buying there gun they just care about the sale!
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Springfield's New XDM 9mm
I did not tell you you can get it from sportsmansguide.com
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Springfield's New XDM 9mm
One of my son in laws has one about a year old now. It is a very smooth handgun. Only problem to me is being an old revolver shooting gave out before the ammo ran out.
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Springfield's New XDM 9mm
I'm new to the United States. Coming from Ireland.
I have never shot a firearm before coming here. Love the country and the concept of owning a gun. Love the Springfield XDM 9mm. It's brilliant!
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