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 01-16-2018, 11:23 Post: 120208

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 Travel Guns

If my memory serves me right, I think the Canadian laws are about how the stuff is labeled.

If you have one can that suggests use on people and another that says it's for animals...... one is illegal, but I can't remember which.

Knowing how liberals think I would guess that they would be more concerned about protecting the animals.

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 01-16-2018, 16:18 Post: 120209

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 Travel Guns

You are probably correct, never gave that a thought!

But seriously, what a money grab. That scare ruined my friend's vacation, he turned around at the border and swore he would never go back. Bought a summer place in Virgina and vacations there now.

I have a couple of cans of spray myself. I used to be in the field all day and was occasionally vulnerable to dog attack. I could sand the paint from the aluminum canister, repaint and label as "chili seasoning" and be good to go!

It's the nomenclature that gets us into trouble. Referring to a "semi-automatic" as "automatic" allows the left wing gun grabbers to spin stories to suit their agenda (confiscation).

I suppose pepper spray is an "automatic" weapon. One pull of the trigger and it completely empties its magazine. This is scary, perhaps I can start a movement to ban this killer.

What if a deranged chef grabs some from his spice rack and starts sprinkling it on customers. Of course his weapon of choice would most likely be classified "semi-automatic" as most spice canisters do not possess "full-automatic" capability.

But the premise is the same! If the culprit is extremely agile, he/she can probably shake the container at a rate almost as fast and deadly as the automatic spice weapon.

I need a cup of coffee now (but will definately not risk being near the spice cake).

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