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Dumb dealers!
There are always several ways to view this type of situation. A dealer may think that your lack of wanting to drive to his place of business is a waste of time for him. You have to expend some energy on your own.
Chances are if he gives you a price quote, you will just take it to your local dealer to drive down the price and buy it from the local guy anyway. Which is a waste of time for him.
My local dealer says he won't be undersold. So to get him to come down, you need to take the time and energy to go elsewhere to find the best deal than go back to him. In the mean time you have wasted the time of many other salesmen, learned a whole bunch about the product, its operation and accessories. So when you go back to the local guy he will give you the best deal but will not have wasted his salespeople's time and energy. You will know exactly what you want and how to best use it. In the long run you will be happy, the local dealer will be happy while you get local support and maintenance.
Forget internet sales, if it is mechanical and will need service support at some future time.
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