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guns and doctors *urgent*
Ann, as you stated "statistics can be made to say anything". It's all according to what a particular group wants it to show.
I will say I like guns (grew up with em and will die with em) but they are also dangerous in the wrong hands.
Did you ever figure out what was wrong with your PTO clutch?
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guns and doctors *urgent*
Billy thanks for your interest. I removed one of the cross bolts attaching the auger to the PHD gear bow and dug four more holes in similar soil and did not see any more "slippage" not to say there was none but didn't notice anything, I am done with that job now so have returned the PHD. I then mowed some pretty heavy grass and when the going got tough the engine labored. It struck me that if the engine was laboring then the clutch would not be slipping, right, anyway that makes me feel better about it, I guess we will see.
BTW hope you die with your guns and not by ,em. I have a few myself, I always make sure anyone who uses guns around me physically demonstrate to me that they know guns. It might be a bit anal but I feel like its my gun saftey bit. Most folk are only too happy to oblige (where is the saftey and is the breech clear etc) as responsible gun ownwers know gun saftey when they see it and you cant be too safe around guns.
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guns and doctors *urgent*
Mr Hall, That is a marvelous Post!!!!!! Oh so true....
But, let us see...........If we could only get rid of all of the guns.....wouldn't that solve everything? Well we once got rid of all of the Whiskey.....and that did not work!....Why not get rid of all of the criminals!!!! By gosh, there are countries that send their criminals here....Like Cuba!!!!!This country once fought a war, our first, over a 3% Tax on TEA!!!!
MY GOD!!!! I pay alomst 50% of eveything I make.....Maybe we need to do something about that......
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guns and doctors *urgent*
I will tell you one parameter used in gun death statistics: childhood ends at age 24.
Anyone 23 and under who dies in any gun related incident is a child in that statistical realm.
It is also amazing how many of these "children" are killed in ghetto skirmishes where drugs and turf are causal factors.
In my book you don't put children behind the wheel of a car, or allow them to vote. If you defined childhood at a more realistic age, like under 16... those "gun death among children" stats would probably shrink by 90-95 percent or more.
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guns and doctors *urgent*
AnnBrush - you are a statistician in the feed industry? I worked with a lot of Penn State professors (got my MS at PSU) who optimized feed mix using LP simplex algorithm. I since have worked in industrial statistics at IBM and have PhD in applied stats. I use a few tricks here and there (Monte Carlo) to get a handle on things (and impress people) -I estimate future future penetration, demand, etc. But it is forecasting - much like weather forecasting - often inaccurate and can be done equally well with your thumb in the air - but makes nice charts for lots of people. What is the extent of your involvement in statistics?
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guns and doctors *urgent*
Ncrunch. I have a Ph.D. (Kentucky) in monogastric nutrition with minors in statistics for both Ph.D. and MS. I am familiar with Bill Roush's work on the stocastic formulation programs he developed while still at PSU (WinFeed program), he is now with USDA. In my current job I oversee all data analysis for our research program. Most of it is linear and nonlinear mixed models (genotype amino acid evaluations etc), mulivariate regression and some principal component analysis, and the bain of my life - field trials. The rest of it is applying controlled research study data to our feed perfomance in the field. Generally the results are there but customers cant see them without a bit of help. I do a bit of work in real-time data summarization of research trials using simple interfaces like Excel, occasionally get SAS to draw a few pretty 3D graphs when the big wigs want something with the wow factor but usually they seem to get by without them. Thats about it. Do you attend any of the SAS SUGI meetings?
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guns and doctors *urgent*
AnnBrush, sounds like you are having a good time with stats. I received my PhD later in life from Union College in Schenectady - NY (GE affiliated program). I was involved with the ASA (president of our little local chapter which has since gone belly up since so many IBM statisticians have left).
I am a heavy duty SAS user - mostly matching, merging summarizing large data sets and application of simple statistics. Have in the past worked on survey data for IBM, software reliability modelling, hardware reliability. Currently I am the mainframe forecaster for IBM.
I often thought I might like to attend a SUGI conference - but never got to it. IBM will no longer fund any such trips for us - so it would have to be a local event for me to attend. Nice to know that there are other statisticians who like tractors!
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guns and doctors *urgent*
There's lies, damned lies and statistics. Depends on whose ox is being gored at the time of the analysis. So, what becomes suspect is who's doing it and their agenda. Oh..their agenda is often cleverly disguised by layers of B.S.
It would be nice if all of these accidental deaths from firearms could be prevented..but that's just not possible. And neither is it possible to prevent all of the other causes of accidental deaths.
This is the real world. We have to live with it. Going to the extremes that alot of moronic politicians do to "prevent" these tragedies is nothing more than "feel good" B.S. politics that does nothing more than cut into our freedoms. Freedom is not free. There are risks involved in living in a free society. If we can't deal with that then we need to go find someother more controlled place to live. BUT..that still won't be a safer place.
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guns and doctors *urgent*
Here's more stats for you, according to Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, over 56 million innocent individuals have been murder by GOVERNMENTS that have disarmed their populaces and then slaughtered them.Turkey's gun control laws were established in 1866 and 1911, and from 1915-1917 they murdered over 1.5 million Armenians. The Soviet Union established gun control in 1929, and from 1929-1953 they murdered 20 million innocent people. China established gun control in 1935 and 1957, and from 1949 -1976 over 20 million were murdered. Guatemala established gun control in 1871 and 1964, and from 1960-1981 150,000 Maya Indians were murdered. Uganda established gun control in 1955 and 1970, and from 1971-1979 300,000 Christians were murdered. Cambodia established gun control in 1956, and from 1975-1979 1 million educated persons where murdered. Nazi Germany established gun control in 1928, and from 1933 to 1945 13 million innocent people where murdered. The fact that our own gun control act of 1968 is a near verbatim translation of the Nazi gun laws, should give pause to us all. But then again, that can never happen here, we have laws against almost everything.
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guns and doctors *urgent*
Isn't it ironic that the same people who would disarm us are also trying to ban SUV's under the premise that they are too big?
When involved in an accident with a Yugo or a Tercel the bigger vehicle always "wins" and that is unfair?
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