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Revolvers: SandW vs Ruger
I can't make up my mind: with .40S&W I get two more rounds in the magazine, which is 25% more than in P220. But with .45ACP, I have a peace of mind knowing that I have the best cartridge I'll even need in a pistol. Then again, either one of these calibers is a vast improvement over a 9mm, so I'll have to think what's more important. I think you gotta be comfortable with your gun no matter which one you choose, you can't have doubts in the back of your mind in a combat situation. If you're convinced that a side-by-side shot gun is the best defense against a burglar and you know how to use it, then you'd be better off with this shot gun than with a semi auto pistol that you have no faith in. Am I making any sense?
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Revolvers: SandW vs Ruger
You need to go with what makes sense to you and feels comfortable in your hands. A .45ACP definitely has more punch. Once you mentioned that NJ had a limitation on number of rounds which is less than we are talking about.
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Revolvers: SandW vs Ruger
Ya-all r right about the practice. That goes for all of them.
Missed 2 woodchucks tonight with the 22-250 should have been a cake walk. One at 310 yds (shot under) the other at 250 yds (shot over). Did do 2 at less then 100.
Shot the Super blackhawk yesterday 2" groups at 25 yds off hand. The DE and owner did much better with about 20" groups rapid fire. Fired almost 60 rounds thru the DE. Wrists did get tired by end of session. The last two clips had the only jams with the last round. Biggest problem is policing the brass for reloading.
The 1911 is a very nice shooter shot 100 plus thru it. It will make a good home gun. Will work on single fire groups from rest next time. Then try for rapid fire groups off hand.
I have just never figured out how to shoot a double action accurately.
I can shoot the single actions pretty damn good and really like the Super BH. I'm gonna start using it for the less than 100 yd woodchuck shots.
The Desert Eagle is the first auto loader I've ever owned and it took some work to break revolver habits to shoot it fairly well. I've wanted one forever... well almost forever. That has all the stopping power needed BUT I do not think it would be good in a high stress sitituation because of the rock steady hold you need to have it cycle.
I agree with the bushmaster plan. But Im still thinking I can get good enough to do a coyote with the DE.
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Revolvers: SandW vs Ruger
Desert Eagle is some gun, it's one of those things that'll make you sh*t in your pants if someone is pointing one at you, though I don't understand how they managed to fit only eight rounds of .44 magnum into an almost 5 pound gun.
Per NJ moronic regulations, I can have 10 rounds in a pistol magazine. A P-220 in .45ACP lets me have 9 (8+1) which is two rounds under the total I can have in a gun (10 in a mag + 1 in the chamber). A .40S&W lets me have all 11. From my perspective, I'll take a greater stopping power of a .45 over having 11 rounds vs. 9. Like someone said elsewhere, if 9 rounds of .45 doesn't do the job, a pistol was the wrong tool for the job to begin with.
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