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 02-13-2018, 21:32 Post: 121241

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DR, that's what the instructor said : )

Considering that this was only the second time I ever shot a gun, it took me about 200 rounds to get into the grove and tighten up my groups... a barrelful of free ammo whould be nice. ; )

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 02-14-2018, 02:26 Post: 121243

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My elbows are just fine, I shoot from the Weaver and the elbows are bent, so that helps. When I put my mind to it, the gun barely moves in my hands, I can hear the spent brass clinking off the same exact spot in the booth - slightly to the front and right of the gun, so I don't think my posture or hold is too loose. When I try too hard to hit the target, then I anticipate the shot and jerk the gun to the bottom and left. I seemed to shoot the best when I got mad at the gun and just squeezed the shots one after another around the bull's eye. I finally got in the groove and could have shot 250 more, much better than the first 250, but I need to pay a mortgage, so...

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 02-14-2018, 12:15 Post: 121253

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I found the reason why the .45ACP was able to fling the japs 10 feet backwards. An average jap weighed about 60lb at the time (before they fattened up on American beef after the war). So you can easily see how such a scrawny combatant would take off when hit with a bullet. On the other hand our brave GIs weighed a good 200lb, so recoil wasn't that much of an issue for them.

: )

Here, that settles it.

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 02-14-2018, 17:10 Post: 121255

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DR, you're not fooling anyone with that post

but it is funny : )

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 02-14-2018, 22:04 Post: 121257

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I NEVER said the .45 would send a Jap 10 feet backwards, Marines with the 1stMarDiv on Guadlacanal swore they were sent 10 feet backwards.
I have watched Gooks get stopped in their tracks and get sent backwards and I watched a film where it showed a Gook having his feet lifted off the ground and sent backwards.

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 02-15-2018, 07:53 Post: 121261

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Wow, sounds like I’ve been missing some good entertainment …

I know Wing you don’t take kindly to science but let me add my 2 cents here …

My calculations yield the following:

KE of a 230 gr 45 cal projectile leaving the barrel at 830 ft/sec equates to about 353 lb-ft at the muzzle.

A 700 gr 50 cal at 2700 ft/sec gives a KE ~ = 11.32 e3 lb-ft of energy at the muzzle.

On the surface one would think that there is more than enough energy to lift a human off the ground --- the issue is getting a significant amount of the energy from the bullet into the human in the right direction. In order for the bullet to lift the human off the ground enough energy must be transmitted in the opposite direction of the force vector holding the human to the ground, for 250lb man this is 250lbs.

So you have two problems:

1)Getting the energy into the human, (bullet can’t exit). (Assume that all energy is available at impact).

2)Applying the energy in the direction to counter gravity.

It is my guess that more than likely the 50 cal traveling at 2700 ft/sec is going to pass right through any material of the density and thickness of a typical human. But to be honest I have no idea what the transfer characteristics are for either round. Hitting something dense like a bone helps keep the energy in the body, but again I doubt that the bone does little as a directional element.

The real problem is that the applied force is generally normal to the force vector generated by the acceleration vector of gravity. If anything happens I would expect the human to rotate about a fixed point. Think force on a lever arm.

Here’s an experiment, get 250 lbs of ballistic gel, (or maybe a calf or pig carcass would be easier), and suspend it.

Shoot directly normal as if shooting at a standing human. Have your video cam going and note the direction of movement.

Does it jump up or does it rotate?

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 02-15-2018, 12:47 Post: 121262

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Sorry for the length, but noticed a prior message seems to have vanished, so I am adding the content.
Your reply is very respectful and very knowledgeable, except for your assumption of me and Science, what made you say that? I was not calling Science Wrong, for there are many factors involved and it isn't a simple Black & White situation, shooting someone may involve some Physics, how they may act once they are struck will vary with everyone who is shot. Overall, what we all can possibly agree on is when shot with a .45 cal, no matter what your size or intentions, you will NOT proceed too much further in the forward direction.

I made it clear in one of my posts, that I didn't know if a belt was hit, a strap or piece of equipment and I also made it clear that I didn't know if it was a human reaction, that all I knew it was from a .45 cal slug. We are NOT talking about DEAD hanging weight, we are talking about LIVE human weight. Humans have Muscle, Bone, Flesh and nerves, there is reaction, shock, balance, muscle spasms and reactions to add in the equation. I can knock a person off their feet with one finger and very little pressure. The human has 23 Pressure points and when using these points properly I can knock you to the ground with very little prssure. Women have lifted cars to save their trapped children, thanks to a chemical called adredeline. The human body can go into a self preservation mode or shut down mode for survival. So the question is why wouldn't the human body move backwards when struck by a BLUNT moving object? Why wouldn't the body react to the opposite direction of a force? If you place your hand on a hot stove, you move it in the OPPOSITE direction quickly. If there was a forward force (slow and blunt not fast and pointed) would you not react by going with the force and not putting up a resistance to it. I think Hanging weight really doesn't prove a thing. Humans have very complex reactions to different types of threats and these reactions in many cases are faster than thought.

Once again JDC, thanks for the very Civil and informative reply, but I saw what I claimed.

I was trying to be Civil when I offered to send some video footage of an Afghan terrorist, I wanted DR to see the Laws of Physics get ignored by a .50. I offered to show him evidence of what I claimed.

I am not arguing about the law of physics, for it wasn't my better subject, I am only defending what I have seen and what I have a video of, I have offered physical evidence to what I have said. The Afghan is in a prone position, on top of a rock and it is possible that the projectile struck under a portion of the rock and that created upward energy enough to send the Afghan airborne. Someone may study the video and have a bona fide reply, but to argue with me and tell me it is impossible without so much as seeing the evidence I base my assertions on, well.. Sorry, I don't buy it.

I have been shooting for over 40 years and for many of those years I was firing in excess of 30,000 rounds annually. I have seen a lot of strange shit when it comes to shooting. Some easily explained and some not so easily explained. Paper Targets react far different from Live targets and you can claim a person should die when shot any way you want.

Physics would say that if that the barrel was pointed at the target and you have good sights and good rifling then the target should be hit or rather the path of the projectile should be in the direction of the plane of the barrel. We were shooting Green Tip, A2 5 5 6 and every once in awhile, the projectile, at 400 meters would travel between two target frames. That showed a miss of about 6 feet. When asked how the shot felt, I said I felt it might have been a tad high for maybe a 12 o'clock V or low 5. The coach thought I was a bit hasty on the trigger and then it happened to another shooter. Now we were all baffled, how could a bad round cause such a degree of inaccuracy at only 400 meters? It turned out that the Green Tip we were shooting had a Teflon core, we concluded that if that Teflon core was not Absolute Dead Center then the variance in weight from center would cause it to spin or wobble out of course. We switched to the old A1 ammo and with the A2 uppers which had a better twist, a 1 in 7 versus a 1 in 12, we won the Match. We found what the other teams had not found and we kept our mouths shut.

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 02-15-2018, 22:36 Post: 121264

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"KE of a 230 gr 45 cal projectile leaving the barrel at 830 ft/sec equates to about 353 lb-ft at the muzzle.

A 700 gr 50 cal at 2700 ft/sec gives a KE ~ = 11.32 e3 lb-ft of energy at the muzzle."

3.53E2 lb-ft vs. 1.13E4 lb-ft. That's two logs! Didn't realize there was THAT much difference! No wonder the .50 BMG round splits bodies in half.

"Overall, what we all can possibly agree on is when shot with a .45 cal, no matter what your size or intentions, you will NOT proceed too much further in the forward direction."

I don't know who's gonna argue with that one. : ) Certainly not the guy who just ate that kind of round.

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 02-16-2018, 23:09 Post: 121269

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Hey WW,

Is the video being discussed in this link the same as the one you're talking about?

Read through all the discussion and you will see the varmit video ... is it the same as your's?

Link:   video 

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 02-17-2018, 04:03 Post: 121270

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Looks like the link to the rock chucks were deleted from the previous link.

After reading the discussion on the previous link try this new one and click on the rock chuch video.

Link:   rock chucks 

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