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high capacity metal frame 45
Was not able to go to either site.
My video is FOUR Sniper Shots and saved as a single video.
The video I have was given to me by a couple of guys who came back from Afghanistan. I have no means of knowing it's true origin, but I believe it is also on grouchy media which is a Military website, I have been meaning to look so I could post the link. I have watched it several times and I doubt it is Woodchucks. Video 3 shows a Shoulder and arm leaving the target area. the 4th shows the head of a Afghan moving about, behind a rock formation before it is hit.
The terrain looks to be clearly Afghanistan, but could be anywhere in the Desert Midwest with Rocky steep hills and rocks and boulders.
I have played them back in slow motion and even single frame them and I am pretty sure about the Arm and Shoulder. None of them are high in detail, due to filming thru a spotting scope. The first one is not great in detail either, because of the distance but I have watched it several times to see if I can see a Woodchuck, I can Not, I will admit, I can not see a human either.
I have hunted many a Woodchuck and other than a few stonewall chucks, I have never seen chucks borrow in that type of terrain shown nor have I ever seen a Chuck go so far from their borrow if indeed their borrow is further down the slope, at least not in Vermont.
If you have the true source verified, I would love to see the entire videos, although I am on dial up and would take forever. Until then, I will continue to say what was told to me, when I obtained the video.
I have some Iraqi shots too and they are very clearly Iraqis and not WOODCHUCKS or any other clean creature. I also have access to a video taken from a dead Iraqi that shows an Americna getting out of an Humvee and taking a sniper shot, he is sent backwards and down. After a few moments he gets up and takes cover. You can hear the Arabs talking giggerish and it must have something to do with the American is like a God or something. The American had his Kavalar Vest on and they continued to take out the Arabs and get the video.
The point of the video was in reply to what was said about a bullet and that it would go clean through its target and NOT set it backwards or stop them etc. So regardless of the video, it still proves that energy at the bullet is much greater than the energy felt by the shooter. DRankin deleted all of his posts, except for the ones where he came back as a jimmyraybob. So you are replying to only half of the conversation, but do appreciate your courtesy.
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high capacity metal frame 45
Guys, I doubt SERIOUSLY that jimmyraybob is Mark. I have a real good feeling Mark would not find the humor in it either.
On the subject, have you looked at a Para Ordinance line of high capacity 45's?
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high capacity metal frame 45
I did. They're all DA only, if I'm correct. They are nice guns but I decided to go with a SA gun. So far I put 400 rounds through my Kimber, had only 1 FTE. Don't know what to blame for that one; I'll consider it just a fluke for now.
Also now that I shot the Kimber I feel like the single stack allows for a better one hand grip than the fat double stack pistol.
I figure if I want high capacity, I'll get me an HK or something of that sort. Now that I got the Kimber, I got the "gotta have the fancy shiny drop dead gorgeous looking gun" urge outta my system. 
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high capacity metal frame 45
I don't like DAO guns either. Para Ordinance still makes their original P14-45 which is single action and if you carry one in the tube, that makes 15 rounds.
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high capacity metal frame 45
The "gotta have the fancy shiny drop dead gorgeous looking gun" is for the gun vault. A carry gun is NO different than a hammer or other tool is in the toolbox. It is meant to be properly used and expect the unavoidable wear and tear that comes along with that territory.
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high capacity metal frame 45
This gun wasn't bought to sit in a vault. It's a durable dependable rock-solid gun that happens to look damn good and I plan to shot it as much as I can.
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high capacity metal frame 45
DR alias Jimmyraybob
Last night on the History Channel, there was a show "History of Guns" or whatever, it was on at about 10pm on the Dish Network. It was about the .45 and it had a section about the Colt M1911A1 and I will quote what the EXPERT said "You can take a 200 pound man, hit him in the arm, leg, chest anywhere and even if he is energized, the Colt .45 will STOP him in his tracks" Now why would an Expert say something that is not true, in your OPINION?
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