Ruger 357 Maximum
You ought to see what it costs to ship a small tractor to Alaska. Average cost is 50 cents a pound.
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Ruger 357 Maximum
I cant even imagine paying shippings costs on some thinks in Alaska. I know what I spent shipping mounts and meat back and I would be embarrased to confess to the actual dollars. The trip was worth every penny though. I cant wait to go again.
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Ruger 357 Maximum
Are you guys talking about the Ruger GP 100? If so, it's great to know that something I have is actually going 'up' in value... B)
My brother and I each bought one several years ago (6" barrels, not the snub nose). I really like the thing and don't undertand why they would have discontinued it. I'm able to shoot pretty darn accurate with it.
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Ruger 357 Maximum
My Ruger Super Redhawk in 454 Casull is quite intense to shoot but I don't think it is as bad as some people say. I think if you are paying attention follow up shots can be fairly quick. It is fun to shoot 45 colt through it too.
I also have a Glock 23 .40 that I carry a lot. It shoots well and for someone that doesn't have a lot of time to shoot I think it is a great gun. I know Nugent sure likes his 10mm. Glock though. Great thread.
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Ruger 357 Maximum
Ted was /is a huge pusher of the 10 mm. I personally never really saw the margin in at over shooting 45+p loads. now the casull that's another story.
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Ruger 357 Maximum
The Super Redhawk has considerably more mass than a Freedom Arms single action. My comments were directed at the Freedom Arms 454.
The Super/R's massive frame and heavier weight make it much easier to shoot but conversely, one probably would not pack one on their hip while hiking in the mountains. Well maybe Schwarzenegger might.
The Freedom Arms is much more packable but very much harder to control for that second shot.
I lean toward a combination of portability and controllable power.
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Ruger 357 Maximum
Mark , do have a 10 or a 45 ? cust curious. I guess I am just a die hard 45 fan. Portable, concealable, powerfull and cost effective. What more does the FBI need ??
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Ruger 357 Maximum
I shoot both, personally. I like the 10 for hard hitting performance and a bit more magazine capacity in a frame size that is comparable to the .45. I load my 10mm so that they are just slightly below what you would get with a .41 SW Mag. My Glock 20s carry up to 17 rounds in the magazines.
I have been shooting the .45 for over 30 years. I have a Gold Cup and a H+K Tactical Rig. I have also shot it in the M3A and Thompson. It is truly one of the great rounds in history.
I have to think that my affinity toward the 10 was somehow preordained. I bought my first Glock 20. I really liked it. Then they were talking about magazine bans and reduction in capacity. I thought that Glock might go to a single stack magazine, so I bought another Glock 20 about six months after the first one. It turned out that the second Glock had the next consecutive serial number after the first one that I bought. 
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Ruger 357 Maximum
I wanted to thank you publicly for all the legwork you did for me pertaining to my Colt. This truly is a diverse tractor board, many talents and great people!
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Ruger 357 Maximum
Cutter, no problem it was fun for me, I am glad I was able to help. Mark, what H&K are you useing ? What??? No kimbers, nothing by Wilson Combat ?? I am absolutely in love with this Kimber Custom shop Ultra with a 3" barrel. Its everything I look for in a ccw. I never thought it could be done effectively in a compact carry 45. I never had one with all the goodies before.
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