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I dont think with a 19 round capacity that it would see too much US civillian use. How about that H&K Mk23 that the US Navy Seals and Army special forces are so fond of ?
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I think that there is very little difference between the military version and my HK Tactical. The Tactical is very well built, is somewhat larger than the regular USP, and will carry a 12 Round mag of .45. Most of my mags are 10, however.
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Now here is one you guys may not have seen in awhile, but they are sweet shootin' .45's once you get the sear broken in and get descent magazine clips. AMT Hardballer Longslide. All stainless with Millet target sights. Shoots real accurate and not alot of muzzle flip.
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Does any one have one of The Wilson combat .45's ?
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Time to start a new thread. This one is getting way to long, is all over the road as far as subject matter, and takes way to long to load up.
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