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Guns for self defense part Two
yooper, keep us posted!
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Guns for self defense part Two
It was a busy weekend filled with lawn mowing, power washing and shrub trimming but got a few minutes to test out the 45LC/.410 3" SS barrel Tracker a little.
I shot several rounds of .410 with 7 1/2 shot. A standard 2 1/2 long .410 shell fits in the cylinder. Standard 2 1/2's hold 1/2 Oz. of lead or 175 pellets- .095 diameter.
At 12 yards it left a nice 2 1/2-3 foot circular pattern of pellets about 2- 2 1/2" apart. That would be a definite "ouch" for a home invader. I assume it would pepper through a leather coat or Carhardts judging from the bark it blasted of of a birch tree. Didn't have the opportunity to try shooting at a closer range. They say a typical home invasion shooting is at 3-5 yards away.
If you are shooting 6's, they are .11 diameter and the shell would hold about 112 pellets. 4's are .13 diameter and would hold about 72 of them. You also can get it in "000" buck which is .36 diamter and that holds 3 of them.
Experienced some recoil, but less than a .44 Mag. When shooting the .45LC ammo through it, its recoil is like a .40 S&W or .45ACP.
I only had time for a couple of rounds to be shot in .45 and at 12 yards they touched one another at 6 and 12 o'clock. The two shot group was about 2" to the right. I commonly shoot slightly to the right. Vertically, it was dead on.
The revolver has a fixed rear sight and dovetail front sight for windage adjustment. It has a Hi-Viz front sight.
I need to do more shooting, but love it so far.
I noticed that when extracting the shot shell, it drags excess left over powder debris backward through the cylinder that falls in the counterbore for the .45LC shell. You can't always get a shell back in when reloading it. However, this is not a problem when just shooting .45LC's. Always, carry a bore brush!! The cylinder was still oiled quite heavily. With a dry cylinder bore it may not be a problem. Need to check this out also.
It does have a nice feel to it and has rubber grips, absorbing the .410 kick.
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Guns for self defense part Two
That's a versatile home defense gun; alternate the loads like someone mentioned so you can stun the intruder with .41 shot then put him out of his misery with a .45LC.
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Guns for self defense part Two
My experience runs counter to using any cartridge that is not potentially lethal on the first shot. The first shot might be all you get. I used to think that a 12ga with bird shot might be a good setup inside a house, but I don't recommend it anymore. I recommend a pistol of .38 Special or larger and lots of training. A motivated armed intruder can be on top of you before most people can draw their gun.
If choosing between 45LC and .410; it would be 45LC hands down. A .410 might be effective on varmints (4 legged) and for ear, nose and throat work with bird shot.
I also like the Beretta .32 as some others have mentioned. But when I carry it, it is because it is easily concealed and not for penetration. I doubt that I would ever use that gun beyond three yards distance.
Gun that I carry most...S&W J Airweight snubby .38 Special in Double Action Only. It weighs less than a pound, so I carry it. If I think I need more...SIG P229 .357SIG That will do it. I still like the 12ga Rem 870 pump, but only with buck shot or slugs.
I have had friends and relatives killed by armed intruders and this is no joking matter. If your space is invaded, you have about a second to decide what to do. Warning shots should not be on the agenda. You save your life by eliminating the threat to it. You live when you have thought through these things and worked out your strategy before you ever consider confronting an intruder. The best strategy...Leave and don't confront at all but be ready to defend yourself if necessary.
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Guns for self defense part Two
I like your choice of carry weapon. Mine is a Colt Agent 38 snub.
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Guns for self defense part Two
Snubbys are highly under-rated. For what I do, it is hard for me to think of a situation where five shots and a short 2" barrel will not be adequate. The rest is up to me.
I have an order in for a S&W M&P 340 CT. That is the 13oz .357Mag with Crimson Trace grips. I will shoot .38 Special in this gun. I may try .357M one time to see how the recoil is, but I can imagine that in a 13 oz gun it is going to be bad. This is another J frame snubby but it has the Scandium allow frame and the flat black finish. I have never been too much of a fan of laser sights, but I thought that I would give the Crimson Trace sight a try. Any advantage that you might have in close quarters is worth a try.
Mine has been on order for several months, so apparently they are hard to get.
Paradox of a carry gun. 1. Powerful cartridges produce recoil. 2. Light guns make the recoil punish your hand. 3. People tend to not carry heavy firearms. 4. A concealed carry gun does little good if it is left in the car. 5. If a shot is fired it is in your best interest to have that shot carry maximum lethal capability. 6. Most people will never have to fire their carry gun to defend themselves or others.
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Guns for self defense part Two
"Snubbys are highly under-rated. For what I do, it is hard for me to think of a situation where five shots and a short 2" barrel will not be adequate. The rest is up to me."
Here's a situation: A group of larger than average thugs in winter parkas approach and try to mug you. Not like that never happens. In a spot like that I'd rather have something more than 5 rounds of 38 special with a possibility to need a reload.
I think a commander sized 1911 loaded with 8+1 rounds of 45ACP +P (and one or two mags on the weak side hip) achieves the perfect balance between ease of carry, controllability and lethality. But then again, I'm in NJ, so what do I know. 
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Guns for self defense part Two
I am friends with some police officers that encourage the use of and would never be out without their high capacity high power autos. I don't have any problem with that. I am in favor of as many honest law abiding citizens carrying guns of whatever size and shape they will carry. I want all of my friends to be able to shoot better, carry bigger guns and more ammo than me.
I do have a SIG229 as I said before that carries 12 in the magazine. But the SIG is in the same general size and weight as a 1911. (I have a couple of those also.) The SIG and 1911 have a tendency to pull my pants down, so I tend to use a shoulder holster. Whether I have a belt or shoulder holster on, it is difficult to completely be covert with the SIG or 1911.
I am not likely to confront a gang. My cop friends do, so we have different exposure scenarios. It could happen, but generally my exposure will be getting gas at a convenience store, having an accident with an agressive driver and having a road rage incident occur, being on a shopping trip with my wife, or dining at the local restaurant. My little snubby can go with me without weighing me down, so it will be there when I need it. In my typical exposure scenario, it is unlikely that I would need more than five shots.
Now just because I carry the snubby does not mean that I don't have a second gun(automatic), spare magazine, and some ammo for the snubby in each of my vehicles. The guns in the vehicles do not pull my pants down or make my coat buldge, so they are all medium/large automatics with high capacity magazines chambered in .357SIG. In my camping trailer I even keep a lever action rifle chambered in .357Mag in addition to my spare pistol(S&W .357Mag).
I believe in the second amendment; particularly that part about being WELL armed. I was a Boy Scout when I was growing up and their motto is Be Prepared.
I am uncomfortable carrying a high capacity automatic most of the time. Perhaps it does not bother you. The only time that I have ever been attacked by thugs, it was two people. A snubby would have been adequate, but I didn't have it at the time and my automatic was in the car. A snubby that I have on me is a lot more valuable than a gun that is too heavy or bulky for me to comfortably carry.
A group of larger than average thugs in parkas is going to stand out here in NM, so I would probably leave my vehicle with an automatic even if it was uncomfortable. If I only had my snubby, then I might ruin the day for five of them.
One final thought...The snubby goes off pretty much whenever the trigger is pulled. I have practiced close quarters shooting. By that I mean wrestling with a gun shooting airsoft ammo. If an automatic is pressed against an assailant, it can go out of battery and not fire. If you miss the grip safety on a 1911, it won't fire. If the assailant grabs the automatic, it can be prevented from cycling. (We even practice two hand shooting with automatics where our second hand holds the slide closed against an assailant so that the gun works while pressed into a ribcage.) While it is possible to grab a revolver and prevent the cylinder from turning, it is unlikely. There are lots of things that go into selecting a carry gun. The most important things however are that you know how to use it and that it is with you when you need it.
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Guns for self defense part Two
"The most important things however are that you know how to use it and that it is with you when you need it."
I agree.
Like I mentioned earlier, I'm in a no carry state, so I wouldn't know if carrying a full size auto all day would bother me. I do carry it for sporting uses and I can definitely feel it on my hip, but it's a good feeling, if you know what I mean 
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Guns for self defense part Two
I have a feeling that once the Muslims hit us again, personal protection may go up on the priority list for the average American. And they will do it, just a matter of time.
So hopefully enough of us are already prepared to be able to prevent the deaths of at least some of the innocent victims. Sorry about drifting a bit off topic but it sort of segues into this self defense discussion. I sure do agree with you guys relative to my friends and neighbors having as much firepower as they can carry!
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