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high capacity metal frame 45
Are there any metal frame higher capacity (10 rounds or more) 45 caliber pistols out there? Everything I see that holds more than 9 rounds is made with a polymer frame. I certainly see the utility of making a lighter gun, especially to carry, but as a pride of ownership thing, I just don't want to get a plastic gun.
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high capacity metal frame 45
I believe most H&K's (Heckler & Koch-German brand) pistols are 12 round capacity in .45ACP. They may have a poly frame-am not sure. They really endurance test these but are out of my price range. I don't think you would be unhappy with the poly frame. I think Glock was the first to introduce the poly frame years ago and look at how they are accepted. Good luck shopping!
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high capacity metal frame 45
I looked them up; they do have a polymer frame and they are out of my price range, too! : )
I don't doubt the durability of the polymers, I doubt their esthetic appeal (to me personally, anyway).
There's one 13 round high capacity 1911A made by Springfield Armory, but it's a retro model - don't know how it compares reliability-wize with the newer models, I've read that modern 1911 pistols have improved over their 90 year old predecessors in many respects.
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high capacity metal frame 45
Found one: CZ 97B. Holds 10 rounds of 45ACP. The only problem is - it only feeds hard ball. Not sure, how much stopping power I'd be giving up if I didn't use hollow points. Otherwise a nice looking gun that's said to be accurate and reliable. A good deal too: can be had for around $500
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high capacity metal frame 45
Thanks, I sure will. I'd call my hands average, so it's a consideration. The SIG-220 I held (another gun I like) does fit my hand really nice.
I read you can carry CZ 97B cocked and locked, would that eliminate the need to shot it in DA?
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high capacity metal frame 45
Went to check out some guns last night. Mark, you were right, these CZ pistols have a really forward trigger placement, I don't know why they do it. I have no problem with the fat grips, in fact it seems to be a more natural fit for me, but the trigger is way out there.
The gun I liked the best was Ruger P-90. Good sights, comfortable grip and looks like a tank on steroids.
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high capacity metal frame 45
A couple of points I'd like to make.
First, it doesn't matter what the Pistol looks like. The person you will probably be defending yourself from, he will probably only see the muzzle opening. smile.
As far as HP verus Ball, you wil have no problem with Ball, it has plenty of STOPPING POWER, matter of factly it has REVERSING POWER. If someone is coming at you and you hit them with a .45 cal Ball, it will lift them off of their feet and reverse their direction of travel.
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high capacity metal frame 45
That's the idea. : )
From what I hear about P-90, it's been overengineered so it can handle the hottest loads, which means that you can get good expansion of a .45 caliber bullet if you wanted to shoot JHP with this gun.
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high capacity metal frame 45
To that end, what is the most common .45ACP cartridge used by police now a days?
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high capacity metal frame 45
"Marines who carried the M1911 or 45 cal Greaser swore the Japs were sent backwards 10 feet regardles how programmed they were to charge."
I don't know, some marines have been known to exagerate 
But seriously, military combat and personal defence are two different things. Most civilian shotouts take place in close quarters (20 feet or less), the opposite is true for military combat (at least in conventional warfare for which 1911 was designed). A soldier would want a round that can maintain killing velocity at 50 to 100 yards. You, as a home owner, don't want that or else your bullets will become a danger for your neighbors after they slice through the intruder. Hardball is better for penetrating armor / glass which is good for military operations, but again would lead to dangerous overpenetrations in civilian situations. Also, originally, hardball fed better than JHP, so it was the premium choice for reliability's sake. Or at least that's what I hear.
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