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Ruger 357 Maximum
What do you think one of these is worth? It's in like new condition.
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Ruger 357 Maximum
They are getting as scarce as hen’s teeth. Look closely at the forcing cone and the top strap directly above the barrel/cylinder gap. There were about 11,000 made before they were removed from production because of flame cutting problems. The only reference book I can find at the moment is 10 years old and it says very good-$375, excellent-$450. They are highly sought after by custom gun makers and folks who want to make up a very powerful handgun. I should think the prices now are $600 or better
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Ruger 357 Maximum
Would you believe $800? I sent you an e-mail let me know if you don't get it.
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Ruger 357 Maximum
Dear Billy, if this is the pistol that Sturm Ruger and Sig collaborated on it is in big demand by silhouette shooters as well as Ruger collectors. There aren't a whole lot of special interest Rugers, this is one of the most coveted, and I wouldn't be surprised if a Ruger collector went over a grand just to keep it from being "modified" for the sport. You may want to do a search for Ruger Collector Clubs, I know there are a few around.
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Ruger 357 Maximum
Mark, I got your email, thanks.
I bought this gun several years ago from a guy who carried it in the floorboard of his truck. It looked pretty rough to say the least. But I wanted it because I knew Ruger didn't make them any longer and I had always wanted a 357 Maximum. I know one shouldn't refinish a gun, for collector purposes but I wasn't planning on ever getting rid of it. So I called Ruger and asked them what they charge to reblue it. To my surprise, the price was $35.00 plus $5.00 to ship it back to me. I sent it to them and a few weeks I got it back. I was surprised again. You couldn't tell this gun from a new one. They not only reblued it but installed a new front sight, back sight, both walnut grips, hammer, trigger and a few other parts I can't recall. This was all done for a total price of $40.00. Anyway, thanks for the info. It's not for sale, I was just curious.
It sure is a sweet shootin gun. With that 10.5 inch barrel, it'll sure reach out there. I do beleive it will out shoot my Colt Anaconda 44 mag.
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Ruger 357 Maximum
Thanks Ted
One of my boys will wind up with it someday.
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Ruger 357 Maximum
I always was amazed how well those Anaconda's shoot considering they only have one locking point for the cylinder. Definitely the best revolver Colt has made in modern times.
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Ruger 357 Maximum
Besides being a full-time aerospace tool engineer, besides owning / operating a part-time landscaping business, I still participate in the shooting sports, and have held NRA instructor ratings for about twenty years. This post was a surprise to me, coming on a tractor site, but it was a welcome break from the usual fare. Rugers are made not too far from where I live and I toured the factory and met Bill Ruger. They are good folks there at Ruger, and have weathered the politically correct, self-perpetuating idiots who have laid most of the firearms industry low. I've owned several Rugers, but have since moved on to other makes, Colt and Beretta being favorites. Despite all of the long barreled Colts I've fired, few have matched the Contenders for silhouette or varmint work. I think I'll try to scare-up a .357 Maximum and give it a run, it sounds like an "X" ring wonder. Thanks guys for the tip.
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Ruger 357 Maximum
Those are nice guns. But....I have a Nazi 9mm Luger P08 with matching serial number clips taken from a dead German Tiger tank commander during the Battle of the Bulge by my grandfather that I have refused $4000. A Ruger ain't a Luger. 
According the The History Channel,if anyone has a Luger PO8 chambered for a 45 ACP Colt it is worth a cool 100,000 buckeroos or more. There were only 6 made and 4 are unaccounted for since they were made as demonstration guns for the US Army to show that Luger could produce a PO8 in a Big 45. I will bet it is in some US Army ordinance officer's personal gun collection.
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Ruger 357 Maximum
Ahhh. Tractors and guns, can life get any sweeter?
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