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Wear in a barrel?
Im a new gun owner and i found the information on a review on the all reliable internet. In it the guy said you should "wear in the barrel" to prevent the fowling of a brand new handgun by shooting 5 rounds, clean gun, 10 rounds clean gun, ect. Sounded like bull to me as a machinist, nobody ever had to wear in any precision parts i ever made but i thought maybe its like a brand new car motor or something.
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Wear in a barrel?
Ask 10 barrel makers you get 10 different answers how to break in a barrel. I follow the benchrest sites but I am not a BR shooter. Check there or google barrel breakin. When sighting in/ breaking in I shoot several 5 shot groups then clean I use good copper removers "Butches bore shine" there are others. Oil well then dry patch till patch is dry. I'll shoot 100+ rounds per session. So it does take some time to clean. I do not use any tried and proven way to break in a barrel. I shoot my handguns till I am ready to go home. My bolt action rifles and boltaction handguns are cleaned very often at range 25 rds usually sometimes more if plinking.
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Wear in a barrel?
Thanks for the reply harvey, somehow break in just didnt come to mind when searching and i used wear in. Looks like there are about a billion different methods out there and some people say its bunk, some barrel manufactures actually give you a card describing the process. Some people say it dose more harm than good, but it looks like more stick with it then against it. So ill give it a try even though id rather just fire off a whole lot in any one sitting. Thanks for fixing my brain fart though harvey, i appriciate it alot. Who would know there are a billion sites dedicated to break in and not one for wear in ().
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