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Remington 1187P
I would like to get my hands on one of these for a self defense shotgun. Any recommendation on alternatives brands? Where can I get a good deal on a new or used 1187P?
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Remington 1187P
Crunch, know nothing about the shotgun you are looking for but have you looked at Bud's Guns or Gunbroker.com? I recently purchased from Bud's and their price was very good. Ruger pistol. If you are not familiar with gunbroker do read the shipping cost they have in most if not all auctions. Normally $20 to about $35.
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Remington 1187P
Thanks for the info. I have kind of settled on a Remington 870 Tactical. Gander Mountain store wants $500, Budsguns wants $440. Do you have any experience with gunsamerica.com? They also carry the gun for about $440.
I haven't bought a gun in many many years. Websites are OK for this? And they ship almost to any state including NY?
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