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 05-30-2017, 05:02 Post: 58932

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 guns for self defense

Just get one a couple of inches longer and you can avoid all the non sense and have it sent to a local FFL where your purchase would be the same as any other gun. I like The Wilson combat stuff but Mark had a site of some others that had a pretty awsome pattern on the 870.

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 05-30-2017, 09:56 Post: 58933

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 guns for self defense

Govt 1911 45 caliber next to me, 12 gage Hi Standard riot gun with trap loads strategically placed, 12 gage Winchester Defender pump action with pistol grip again, strategically placed. Concealed carry Colt 38 Agent with hollow points. Top notch security system with cellular backup and the bad guy can decide if dog the dog is there or not. No reason to worry about anything but a direct hit and a kill if you are in my house uninvited, don't want to be sued by a wounded criminal, end of story.

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 05-30-2017, 14:50 Post: 59004

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 guns for self defense

I bought my first home protection firearm when some drugged up idiot (high on breathing acetone) broke a window in my place and and was so high he didn't even respond to my screaming at him. Fortunately he wasted a lot of time playing with the broken glass (guess he thought it was interesting in the moon light), and then trying to pry the bars off the windows with my pickaxe (I lived in a pretty rough neighborhood at the time), and the cops showed up and he split before he could get in. The next day I bought a mossberg 12ga with pistol grip (now illegal in CA).

Sometime later, I was approached by my next door neighbor to give her rides into the heart of south central Los Angeles (school teacher) at 4:30 in the morning (I ususally left for work about 4:45 am anyways) as she was afraid to take the bus (can't imagine why). I was into backpacking at the time, so I bought a little S&W airweight 38 special to keep under the seat of the car. It's an aluminum alloy J frame and very hard to hit anything with.

So during the LA riots my brother and I went out and bought identical Ruger GP100 .357 revolvers. We also noticed that some neighborhoods were keeping safe by setting up road blocks and snipers on the rooftops with rifles, and those were largely neighborhoods that went completely untouched in the trouble zones. A lot of merchants downtown were banding together and employing similar tactics to defend their businesses. So I bought a mini 14 (I always wanted one, and now had a good excuse for it).

Between these weapons I have a decent arsenal for home protection, but all in all nothing comes close to a good dog IMO. They're like intelligent burglar alarms and can hear and smell intruders long before I ever could. If they don't actually scare an intruder off from the get go, they'll give you enough advance warning that a firearm might actually be of use.

The sad truth is that by the time an intruder is already in the home (especially in the room), it's probably too late for a firearm, and the advantage is already his, especially if he is packing.

I'd start with a good dog, as well as other deterrents (lighting, secure doors and windows, alarms, etc.) and then shop for guns.

Like someone else said, the gun you buy for protection is just as likely to be used on you. I think the best idea is to remove as much advantage regarding time and surprise from the badguy, and move it over to your side of the equation through common sense.

However, there's something to be said about the sound of a pump shotgun chambering a round on a quiet night that'll cause any boogey man to think twice about continuing with his plans.

I just pray that I'll never have to face such a situation again. It's far better to have a gun and not need one, than the other way around.

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 05-30-2017, 19:45 Post: 59038

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 guns for self defense

I agree with you about the dog. We do have a great shetland sheep dog that I took alot of time training. I amaze the nieghbors with her. She knows whistle and hand commands and really likes to perform. And as far as a watchdog I can't imagine a better dog. I also agree that I'd rather have a decent arsenal and never need it, than the other way around.

When I bought my 45 and my wife's 38 I wanted the Mossberg with pistol grip but the store owner said I'll have to order it and it was taking so long I cancelled it. I was pretty young at the time and I think the store owner was being careful by not letting me walk out with all 3 guns. Sorry to hear that yours is now illegal it makes nosense.

I no longer hunt so I only want them if the boogie man comes. And I would never kill someone over a TV set or something silly like that(everything is insured), but if they take one step towards my wife or kids it will be there last.

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 05-31-2017, 00:39 Post: 59041

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 guns for self defense

Where do you live? Bagdhad? Beruit? Are you paranoid?

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 05-31-2017, 05:34 Post: 59042

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 guns for self defense

dcsmith01, what's your point?

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 05-31-2017, 10:28 Post: 59044

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 guns for self defense

A shotgun with a bbl of less than 18" just isn't worth the trouble. I think that it must be registered as a Destructive Device. The license is only $5 (could be wrong) compared to $200 for other Class III guns. DD permits require fingerprinting and photos for ATF as well as approval from local law enforcement. (These will cost more than the DD fee) You may also be restricted for state to state travel with such a gun. These are restrictions required for the private ownership of items deemed by legal decree to be so destructive as to have no useful purpose within the realm of normal gun ownership. These restrictions have also been applied to certain spring powered knives and other items where there has been political pressure to restrict but no other statute to use.

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 05-31-2017, 15:23 Post: 59045

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 guns for self defense

Greetings to Dcsmith
I am not paranoid. I live in rural Virginia. I have had occasion to confront persons in the middle of the night who were threatening me on my property, Twice. I have also had to confront Bears and Rabid animals.
You may be interested to know that Handgun Control says 63,000 times a year guns are used to protect their owners. Other studies put the number in the millions. So somewhere between 63k and 2 million times a year guns are used to SAVE lives in this Still FREE Country.
My paranoia comes from people who who want to tell me what I can and cannot do to protect my self and my family and my property. Yes Property. I worked for it and I believe if you want to take it from me by force I have the right to KILL for it. Insurance means it is being stolen from a whole bunch of people(shared risk) not just me. So its ok just steal all my stuff that I have worked for. Its not worth a human life.
I could not disagree more. "From each according to their ability ,to each according to their needs" Right?
I dont think so.

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 05-31-2017, 20:17 Post: 59046

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 guns for self defense

De Twang...
A lot of people decided to buy guns during the LA riots only to find out that CA had a two week waiting period on any gun. When did that happen? Quietly and progressively in the state legislature. I was living there at the time, but have since moved. You know things are getting bad when your friends ask if they can store their guns with you (outside of CA) because they are no longer legal in the state where they live.

I have a friend that is a fireman in Long Beach. He tells me that if they get a fire call for a house with a "Registered Assault Weapon" (includes AR15, FAL, etc) that they have to wait for the SWAT team to arrive to secure the area before they will attend to the fire. The last time I checked, the Brady law was supposed to keep a criminal from buying a gun in the first place. Go figure!

Did someone mention paranoia??

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 06-01-2017, 01:12 Post: 59048
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