guns for self defense
AC5ZO, thanks for the tip I didn't know about the 18" barrel I'll keep looking.
tracer, I believe you have the right to kill to protect your property and I would never suggest otherwise, but my personal choice would be not to do so. I'm willing to let the police handle running down the thieves. I'd probably have them motionless on the floor for the cops when they get there. And I mean motionless or else.
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guns for self defense
DC Smith, hay pal, some of us actually have been to those places you listed, Instead of being some mouthy punk who thinks he's slicker than synthetic snot and knows a few names after watching CNN get out and earn a liveing, maybe then you will actually be able to pay for the services you use. When I enlisted with my best friend he was eventually sent there (beruit) Do you even know what country thats in ??. After a suicide bomber blew up the Marine barricks we never had enough of him to bury. So just because I am paranoid does NOT meant "they" are not out to get me. Heres a sobering statistic that was on a aol daily vote. 9% of the people poled consider themselves unpatriotic. Homedad, I was always under the impression that getting a shorter barrel required a class 3 firearms license or a letter from the BATF. Not really worth it to save a couple of inches.
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guns for self defense
In fact after reading your profile I can clearly see that you are just a TROLL. Anyone who would post that they use LSD as a part of their profile is just full of %^^%! . 
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guns for self defense
Homedad...Given the way that the legal system works, you really don't want to be using anything very exotic for home defense. If you ever have to use it, a lawyer will make a big deal out of an unconventioal gun, modifications that might have been made, and even cartridges that are not commercial manufacture. Somehow, doing any of these legal and legitimate actions implies more than just the intent to defend one's self.
My point is that in 34 states (I think) it is legal to own a registered machine gun. But, if it is used in self defense, it opens a number of questions about motive and fair play that a .357 Mag or 12 gage using factory ammo won't.
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I agree to a point. It certainly pays to know the letter of the law in your home state as well. Personally I think Texas is one of the very few states that have it right. If its the perormance you want you can get it just as easily with out looking like you are just "waiting for the chance" by just swapping out the barrel on that stock 870 with a Wilson combat barrel or or one of the many others that offer a better group with buckshot but are of normal Deer hunting length.
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guns for self defense
Doc, my profile is just a joke. Quips taken from popular movies.
Homedad, sorry you had problems on YOUR property. No one needs that.
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AC5ZO, Good point and something to consider.
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guns for self defense
DcSmith; Regrettably the fact that many better men gave their lives for your freedom is no joke.
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guns for self defense
If I'm not mistaken, a shotgun with a barrel of less than 18 inches is illegal, no matter where you live. It's considered a sawed-off shotgun. If you're caught with one, it's a felony and the shotgun will be confiscated and destroyed. There are no ATF licenses for such guns.
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guns for self defense
Dcsmith, to a lot of Americans LSD is not even remotely funny.
You will certainly have more credence here with a profile that reflects who you really are, or even no profile at all.
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