guns for self defense
Nothing particularly special about the Black Talon rounds. They are pre-scalopped copper jacketed large cavity hollow points. I believe Remington makes a similar round called the "Golden Sabre". The anti-gun Nazi's made a big deal out of the Black Talon rounds for political purposes and Winchester withdrew them from the market to avoid the negative publicity.
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guns for self defense
I didnt think those were available any more. I regularly use Golden Sabre as they are great for the price but If you only need a box or two I prefer thr Hi power of the Cor-Bon ammo. If you can handle the 38+P they are great. Either way hollow points. To me the only debate about a defense load is should it be as heavy a HP as possible or as light a HP as possible in any give caliber. I often opt for the lighter grain for max velocity.
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guns for self defense
This is takeing so long to load I started part 2 !
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You're right, AC5ZO. With a clean background and 200 bucks, you can register these guns. Although I doubt you can in some states (California for instance). Just be sure to register it before you take possession. Once you possess it, without it being registered, it's already illegal and can't be registered.
As for the Brady Law, it's here to stay. Most states have even added to the Brady Law.
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Billy, Most of the Brady law has already expired. It began to expire in 1998. Most of it has been replaced with NICS instant background checks. In Mi you can now get a CCW VERY easy. The new ones are like a drivers license and you can buy the same day anywhere in the state as the licenses are no longer issued by individual police depts with all of the varying hodge poge rules from county to county. I have the older type where you actually had to justify a CCW so untill next year I still have to go get a purchase permit but I can do it in one day. If your laws are different raise heck when you vote, .
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Actually Doc, NICS is a direct result of the Brady law. The Brady law stated that NICS would be up and running by Nov. 30 1998.
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Yup, its really a continuation of it but the Brady law proper ( 3 day wait) is dead. Thank god !
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I agree, thank God. It's really stupid anyway. If I was a scum suckin murderin SOB and wanted to kill someone, how long do you think it would take me to buy a gun? You're right, about 5 minutes. All this law does is punish the innocent. It does nothing against criminal activity.
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guns for self defense
Nothing particularly special about the Black Talon rounds. They are pre-scalopped copper jacketed large cavity hollow points. I believe Remington makes a similar round called the "Golden Sabre". The anti-gun Nazi's made a big deal out of the Black Talon rounds for political purposes and Winchester withdrew them from the market to avoid the negative publicity.
I have had the Golden Sabres for years they are designed by the same guy who had previously made the Black Talons for Winchester. Remington was smart not to give them a wild name, lest they fall prey to the anti-gun nuts like the BT did. Golden Sabre sounds less violent to them, sort of funny, huh? 
They are rather expensive though and I have read that the Speer Gold Dots HPs are just as good so I have been using them.
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guns for self defense
F350Lawman, you and I think alike. ;o) I like that!
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