guns for self defense
Non existant is right. What a dissgrace. Any one who thinks that there is no need need to worry about looseing our guns to big brother only has to review the statistics there. Nothing but good old tracking Mr. Average Joe Citizens activitys so we know right where to go first.
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guns for self defense
Like I said it's really what YOU feel best with. I have carried handgun most waking hours of the day for years so to me it's much more natural than a shotgun.
For others it may be just the opposite. With the current gun laws I think most people have the majority of their gun handling experience with hunting rifles and shotguns. With the exception of law enforcement not too many carry permits or even pistol permits are issued here in the NY. It may be slightly easier in other parts of the country. The numbers of rifles/shotguns must far outnumber the number of pistols(legal ones that is ). They rake you over the coals in order to get a pistol permit.
I do like the shotgun don't get me wrong, but to me it's sort of a novelty to shoot. It would take more time and ammo than I am willing to invest to get the same level of comfort I have with a handgun.
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guns for self defense
In general I would prefer My 45 and no shotgun. Limited to really close quarters (panic Room) and what anyone else could pick up and shoot I'd have to stay strictly with the scattergun. As it is I do not use anything other than a 45 for home defense or personal defense.
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guns for self defense
Mossberg 500/590(8 or 9shot) pump; $300,,,AR15 Bushmaster $750,,,,any handgun you can operate in the dark and hit with
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guns for self defense
Thank you for apologizing to the members here DCSmith. Any time one profiles himself for others to view/interact with, it ought to be honest. Much of the wrong within this country is tied to dishonesty be it criminal activity, dirty politics or just a lack of ethics.
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guns for self defense
I am kinda late to this party but I would suggest a Colt Officer's ACP (fire 45 ACP yet is simple,small,& light enough for a woman to fire), Benelli M3 Super 90 (fastest firing shotgun made & fires semi-auto as well as pump if the mechanism fails), the rifle is a toss up: either Ruger Stainless Mini-14 Ranch Rifle with high capacity magazines (good range & high capacity, can do serious tissue damage with small round), or Springfield Armory M-1A (can penetrate class II body armor & class III with SLAP rounds, reliable, simple to fire). I would vote for the M-1A
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guns for self defense
Those are some good choices chief. I used to Have a Ruger mini 30 that was a whole lotta fun and very reliable and accurate. I have been drawn to the Springfield armory line several times but cant get past the price tag and the fact that the Shooting teams, USA, military etc. all use .308 (nato) chambered on the remington 700 actions. I know that individuals use others as well but its tough to justify those BIG price tags on the SA line, Although I still like them !
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guns for self defense
Since we're on the subject of self defense I'm wondering what you gun gurus know about ammo designed for same.
For both my .357 and my 38 special, I keep these rounds in them that have bullets with teflon tips that are filled with shot. They're not the mini shotgun type but rather they're supposed to remain in bullet form and then disintegrate once hitting an object.
Supposedly they're pretty lethal against flesh but won't travel through walls, etc. to hit innocent bystanders. Once they strike an object the energy is supposed to be quickly dissipated.
Supposedly they were advertised as being designed for police for use in areas such as mobile home parks, apartment buildings, etc..
They were quite expensive and the theory sounds good to me, but unfortunately, there's no way to know how well they live up to hype until it's too late.
I keep them in the airweight 38, and in a speed loader next to the .357 in it's lock box.
What do you guys know about these rounds?
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guns for self defense
DeTwang, the rounds you are referring to are called "Glacier Safety Slugs". I'm sure everyone has there own opinion about them and I'll throw mine in there. I don't like them. They do not have the penetration that a conventional round has and you will need to put a big 250 lb. or larger man down. I like the Winchester Black Talon. I stocked up on them when they were still on the market and there are many similar bullets on the market currently.
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guns for self defense
""DeTwang, the rounds you are referring to are called "Glacier Safety Slugs".""
Yes that's the name. It's been so long since I bought them, I forgot what they're called.
""I'm sure everyone has there own opinion about them and I'll throw mine in there. I don't like them. They do not have the penetration that a conventional round has and you will need to put a big 250 lb. or larger man down.""
Maybe I should keep them in the airweight (not real accurate) and reconsider for the .357. I keep triple ought buck in the shotgun and I know that'll stop mongo himself (and his horse) in his tracks.
""I like the Winchester Black Talon. I stocked up on them when they were still on the market and there are many similar bullets on the market currently. ""
I've seen them before. What's the deal with the black talon?
I also have hollow points and slugs for the .357
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