guns for self defense
Yeah, well that stuff about great minds must be true 
I really like these "best weapons for self defense" conversations. You get more answers, from a sling shot to a howitzer! I don't tink any of them are wrong or right as long as YOU'RE comfortable that you can defend yourself with it.
Let's face it a guy who can hit you with a 22 is better than a guy who misses with a 50 cal. For me I don't feel comfortable with anything less than my 10 +1 380 cal. or 5 shot 38. I shoot pretty darn well but not good enough for anything less, after all "a man's got to know his limitations" Actually I choose the Glock 19 to carry daily, even though I am thin it really conceals very well and I like the extra margin for error. 
On another note-
Still waiting for that JD 790, dealer said yesterday he was billed by JD so it should be there pronto. He said once they bill him they are on the way.
After all this wait and knowing myself I'll probably blast out all my tractor work in a week of 18 hour days and then start in on my neighbors property! My buddys starting construction on anew house so I am trying to talk him into saving a few $$ and letting me help him do the finishing landscaping. He's an electrician and does me favors all the time anyway so I figured why not plus the contractors don't seem to do much more than throw some seed around.
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guns for self defense
Hope the new machine arrives soon. I know you have been waiting a long time for it. It will be worth the wait. Just in time for all of this heat wave. Hey, another question while I have your attention if you don't mind. Have you been censored or deleted over on the "other" tractor board? The so called moderators are getting out of hand editing posts and deleting for really stupid or no reason at all.
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guns for self defense
Yes, I was cencored once, it was something minor like pain in the "pain in the a55" or "what the he77?" Something along those lines, and I used the substitute characters but I still got it censored and a message that "it's a family site".
No kidding, that's why I wrote it like that.
I have read your comments and wondered just what you were writing that you also got censored.
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Well, I don't feel as bad now but I am still right pissed off. The so called moderator more like idiot MikePA deleted a post I added to the Support Our Troops thread because he did not like Rush Limbaugh; said his name was going to start a flame war. When I kindly pointed out to this nit wit that the link posted to the feel good music and pictures was hosted by Penthouse Magazine, they deleted the entire thread! They are mad at me because I embarrassed them and now they are screwing around with my posted. Did CowboyDoc give you the "this is a family, G rated site" speech? He changed my post to something I never wrote because I used the term POS. I then brought to his idiot attention that folks were using the term POS all over the board. Now he doesn't want to talk about it. I don't mind so much being edited if I say something I am not supposed to provided the standard is consistently applied to all. I read the rules and follow them as best I can. Their site their rules, but it really chaps my ass when the moderators pick and choose who the rules apply to. Another reason why I think this site is the best on the web. We have our little spats now and again but we all work our issues out like gentlemen.
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guns for self defense
Yes this is a very good site.
I had know idea what was going on with your posts. That is so funny it's pathetic you can't mention names they deem to be likely to generate debate? Isn't that what forums are for?????
Now you got me tempted look for my next chance to slip in Rush's name or my favorite talk show host Bob Grant 
Since this is a gun thread I will mention that I tried a little gunsmithing of my own....needless to say the gun will be going to someone who KNOWS what they are doing. I had a problem with a 380 that was marking up the primers from a firing pin that was a tad too long (had it made by some other smith)so I figured "no problem" I'll just file it down a wee bit". Nope, now it gets light hits and goes off about every other time 
It was a cheap Grendel model 10(out of business) that I got from one of the guys who worked for me. They have their problems so I had it sent out for a new firing pin after the original broke and no new pins were around. I now have found a guy online that supposedly turns these questionable guns into reliable guns with a workover that only is about $60.
I am going to give him a try. I actually liked that gun for summer clothing and for wearing with a suit. It is so small and the 10+1 380 in a 25-32 sized gun is hard to pass up for those days when I can't conceal anything else.
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guns for self defense
F350, some primers are harder than others. CCI makes the hardest and Remington the softest. All others are in between.
I had an early stainless Chief's Special that simply would not reliably fire anything with a CCI/Speer primer but ran with 100 percent reliability on anything else.
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guns for self defense
BTW, those drag marks on the primer are usually about a firing pins that is not retracting in a timely manner due to a dirty firing pin channel or a weak firing pin spring.
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guns for self defense
"BTW, those drag marks on the primer are usually about a firing pins that is not retracting in a timely manner due to a dirty firing pin channel or a weak firing pin spring.'
I don't know what it was but that gun aint' getting tucked in the front of my waistband until it's fixed!
You are right, I would try to cycle the action while I peaked into the gun and the pin did seem to retract slowly, can't see if it every goes all the way back because the gun is closed by that point.
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guns for self defense
I haven't participated in this thread to date but thought I would pass on a little something for you guys to chuckle at that Cutter's boating thread reminded me of.
I use a 12 ga. flare gun on the boat for 'security' more than the actual 12 ga. scatter gun that I bought for such purposes.
So far the 3 times I have needed a 'detterant' was at night, the method of choice for liberating a boat from it's owner in the Islands is to creep aboard at night, when darkness (and hopefully sleep) covers their approach. The offenders are usually young men who if even armed at all only have knives. They approach by means of rowing a small boat. A flare or two straight at them and a round of buckshot in the air is a convincing arguement to a boat load of unarmed, VERY exposed, young men.
Let me tell you, a 12 ga. flare shell is an impressive sight skipping across calm water at night, it's enough to put the fear of God in the most atheistic of young men.
It's also kind of surprising just how fast those kids can row away, I never knew a rowboat could produce a wake before ...
Best of luck.
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guns for self defense
Murf, That is down right hilarious and must be quite a sight to see!
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