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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Sorry Dave, we are Cadet dealers. They have got a great utility veichle and I think it is going to be a good seller overall. I don't know if I made the right desision on what I bought but I'm hoping so. I feel that I can at least get my money back out of it if it doesn't work.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Well after driveing all day I took the plunge. First I went to Toledo to look at 98 EZGOS for $2000 that were not worth $20. JUNK. Then I drove to Lansing or actually Eaton Rapids. Found the best dealer I've looked at with many nice clean cars. They had '98 EZGO's for $2150 but they were in excellent shape. Green/tan, newer tires new battery, serviced, new filters and a 90 day warranty. I bought one that had been lifted with the Factory 8" lift kit, New front axles, new shocks, tie rods, 4 leaf rear springs etc with the monster mudder type tires and steel wheels. Also got a P/U style bed. $3250 plus tax. By far the best deal I've seen. They had many to drive and a nice place to try them out. I've gotta haul the tractor north tomorrow as my long awaited deer blind is supposed to be here from Texas on Sunday. My wood splitter is scheduled to arrive this week so hopefully next weekend I will get to haul the EZGO and the splitter north. It seems I've been capitulateing all summer and everythings here at once ! Includeing all the work I'm behind on. I'm sure I'll be splitting wood while the boss is out trail rideing on her new toy. At least I WILL have my tractor back. evansgolfcars dot com Dave
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Weeeelllll Dave, I went the other way today. I have been researching a project for work that involves purchasing two ATVs for equipment mounting and while doing so took advantage of the circumstance to dicker price for myself. I never thought I would want a four wheeler, but once I saw what they can do was sold on one. I checked every brand available in this area for price, specs and overall quality. Came up with this scenario but I am sure many will differ in opinion;
Kawasaki-extremely high quality and would be my choice for a mud machine.
Yamaha,Honda-good quality but some disadvantages
Polaris-Good quality American machine, don't like the grill design but overall very functional/heavy.
Bombardier-needs to catch up in some respects (fit and finish). I like the walk through design but it was not available in the model I wanted. They still have some without full floor boards. The plastic used to comprise the body on the ones sitting outside was all faded.
Arctic Cat-Good quality American machine. Probably not the fastest or most advanced ie: electronic devices but built like a tank, great work machine.
Bought Cat for myself, great deal on 2003 left over from one of my favorite dealers. What sold me is the frame that encompasses the entire machine, including the hitch. Without fail, every other brand I looked at fastened the hitch to either the suspension components or the cast aluminum differential housing. They then rate to tow 1000# plus, I remember seeing pictures on another site of compact tractors with aluminum housings broken out from three point hitch use, no way do I want that. I intend to tow my 900# roller as well as my yard trailer with the machine, don't want it hooked to an aluminum differential. The Cat's frame runs to the back of the machine and supports the hitch.
I have about 2k more than what you have in the golf cart though!
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Sounds Like you got just what you needed. I spent about 1k more than I wanted to but the difference in carts that were lifted was so great that I just decided to get one all done. I'll post a pic on Manday. I only could have saved about $100 by doing it myself...If I didnt screw something up or need some new tool. I dont know much about the Cats as I was always a Ski Doo Fan. . But it seems pulling that much would have been taxing a cart. I just wanted something fo my wife so I could have my tractor back. The most it will haul is a chainsaw and fuel with drinks so I'm sure it will serve us well. I stopped in Cabelas along the way and picked up a new Marlin 44 mag. I've had the new cowboy gun with the 20" octagon barrel on order for several months. Apparently they are not going to put those in production this year so I settled for the 20" round barrel. How big is the cat ? 4x4 ? Dave
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
It sounds as though you got just what you needed too Dave! Are you going to do a flame paint job on it as well :> Some pretty imaginative schemes on the web for those.
It is a 500 automatic. Cat uses the water cooled Suzuki engine, but quite honestly I would have preferred an air cooled. The smaller models have oil coolers with fan assist and no coolant to have to worry about but you have no choice with the larger units. 360cc in the Kawasaki model is the largest I found without liquid cooling, but perhaps I am concerned about nothing.
That 36o Kawasaki is an all around sweet machine and aside from the tow hitch being fastened to the rear differential has some very impressive features. It was also within a couple hundred dollars of the 500 Cat.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Dave, Cutter, nice machines! It sounds like some money has been being passed around here this past week.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
It was a compromise for me Art. Once I saw what a four wheeler could do I gave up a bit of passenger room but there is still room enough for the wife to sit in back of me if she wants to tag along. With the rack system there is enough carrying capacity to load it with tools and I have a small yard trailer I can tow for bigger jobs. Besides, everything is new so hopefully there will be no repair bills or modifications necessary for a long time.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
I had the fun buggy out for about an hour. I was truelly impressed with what it can do. Photo # 9 is up but not the best. I have to gather all the help I can this weekend to set up this deer blind but If I have time I will try to get a better photo of it in the mudd or something good like running from a black bear. . Dave
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Nice looking machine! I like the garage as well, looks as though you may have room for some more toys as well :>
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Theres usually not nearly enough room in the garage. I had a log splitter arrive from northern Tool today so now theres even less. I have to tote this stuff up north this weekend. Is it just my imagination or did the photo size here get even smaller ? After loading photos 3x the size on the other site theese seem really small. But at least they remain a part of your profile which is nice. Dave
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