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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Not much progress on the carts here. I was looking at a 1990 Yamaha for $1250, gas. The guy tells me that Yamahas before '96 are VERY difficult to paint. The best price I am finding is $1600 for a '96 in Iowa and it will take about $200 to get it. I also am stll mulling the electric idea and there is a '99 48v Yamaha for $1900 plus 250 delivery. I cant find much info on those batteries murf, no prices etc. That one did have new batteries in 02 but they were the smaller ones. Locally the best I can find is a '98 Club car with 600 hours for $2150 plus 6% tax. I can get a 2000 club car with about 400 hours just past Chicago for $2300 plus $100 in fuel. Onme thing that puzzles me slightly on the Yamaha is no oil filter on the engine. Descions, descions. Cutter, I am seeing some good prices on eBay from a guy in Gettysburg, PA. If thats not a long drive for you, he has a 48v up now. Dave
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
IMHO, I would buy a $500 special and then re-do it, that way you KNOW exactly what kind of shape it's in.
10 miles up a game trail is NOT the best place to have mechanical problems...
Best of luck.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Murf, I hear ya but I still cant find anything that doesn't look like it belongs in the junk yard for that price. In fact the best I can do with getting it here is a 1990 for $1250. For a Grand more I can get a a model 10 years newer. If I have to buy a new motor for the old one, or $800 nearly makes up for the difference, and thats not considering the new ones are green and dont need to be painted, the tires dont have to be replaced, the seals, the differential, belts, batterys etc. I am talking to a guy on a 96 so I hope to strike a balance between the two. But I understand what you are saying. Once you fix it you know what has been done and not just what some one else has told you. Dave
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Murf, they told me right up front to expect some problems, after all for that kind of money what do you expect. Not all here are capable of rebuilding something and having it perform after. Hopefully a mechanic might see some other things that might need to be delt with and fix them for the 300 dollar difference. I was not impressed at all for what I looked at.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Had one of my freinds bust my a#% pretty bad this weekend. I took a Cadet 4x2 to our snowmobiles clubs membership party at there land which is about 45 acres to give tours on. Took him for a ride to show him the property, then he was doing it and at the end of the day he says I'll give you 2000 down and give me the 0% for 36 months!!! I couldn't believe it as he was about to buy a golf cart as soon as we could find another one. His daughter on Sunday put four hours driving it around the property (he figures he won't have to mow as much)as well as he's done several trips to my house. Fellow from the school that I tried to sell one to this spring called this morning told of the school super being one of those people to take the tour, he told me to get one up there asap as they were ready. Go figure!
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
An older Yamaha G-1 makes a great utility rig. They're 2cycle/oil injected, bullet proof and will haul a hefty payload. We have one we've painted JD green and call the Yamagator!
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
I have been bidding on the one from Pennsylvania Dave. I found another dealer with Yamaha's. 2001 gas with lift kit and tires delivered for under 3k. Less for electric.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
A 01 with lift, tires and delivered for under 3k !! c'mon dish up the dealers name ! Thats a killer price. Dave
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
The dealer is on e-bay, I contacted him but you can see his stuff using the link I added.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Cutter, Thats the same guy I had been talkin to on a '99 for 1900. It sold and he was checking on some others. I did see the 2000 model he has with the lift tires and bed for 3k. The delivery from him is 250 which is a really good price. Did you ask him to build one for you on a 01 cart ? I see he is at $2300 just for the 01. I thought the '99 was a bettter buy for $400 less. Right now I am talking to a guy on the other side of chicago. You will find him on the first page of eBay golf carts if you sort by highest price. He has 2000 Club Cars for $2300. They look really nice. I drove a '98 club car the other day it was $2150 plus 6% tax. I can get to this guy and back in one day, maybee $100 for gas so for about $100 more I can get a cart two years newer Plus his are green which is nice for the woods. I also found a guy in Minnesota today with 48v electrics for 1400. I'm waiting for a ship price from them but I am pretty much tryin to decide between the alabama Yamaha or the Chicago club car. Dave
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