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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Mark, The Lynx is a very nice machine for the $$$. Too bad they put a electric motor in it instead of the 9 hp Kowasaki gas engines that Club Car ( Ingersoll Rand ) uses. Club car is very popular here. They have an aluminum frame. There is a camo body available for them to swap out with the regular one for $600. Try www.GolfCartsPlus.com Cutter, here is the Link to the place that has the rebuilt ones. Be sure to check out the feature cart with the beer cooler in the trunk and a Kenwood Stereo www.Sutcliffegolfcarts.com
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Ok Some one please tell me how you guys are adding the links you can just click on. Dave
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
If you are referring to embedding a link inside your message, that would be "HTML" content, which we block from all messages.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
When you copy an address you will end up with two "http://" segments and you will need to delete one.
Different thought: I wonder if you could take a small Honda generator along on excursions with an electric cart and keep the batteries topped off as you go?
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
You ended up with one of those rare finds Art. Just wanted to be sure that there weren't more for that price before I laid out my cash for an older one. I am still a bit reluctant, the newer electric with new batteries for $1900 may be the way to go, just am not sure. Is there a way to alter the micro switch so they idle and shut off with a key switch? I'll bet that would be easier on the starter and engine both, just a thought.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Dave, the link to the Canadian supplier is at the bottom of my reply, it is "Turf Care".
Mark, you certainly can take a genset along, I know several people that do just that, the problem however is the newer units are 48v. systems, they use 4 seperate 12v. batteries wired together, so in order to charge them properly you would need 4 seperate chargers, or a 4 circuit charger which is a pretty pricey thing.
Art, I listed the link to the Yamaha after-markey supplier in Texas in one of my posts on this thread already. Take my word for it, the FIRST thing you want to do is get rid of those factory tires on the back, for a temporary cure get a tire grooving iron and cut the tread into squares instead of those useless grooved slicks.
Best of luck.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
I've been able to add some RPM and still amintain the original functions as such. I had it adjusted out so it was wto or nothing but was not able to drive easily. The way it is now I have about an extra 1000rpm and it works good. My wife was such a happy face last nite when she drove it but said it's to fast. Hope to get out the radar gun this weekend again. Murf, we always used circular saws for grooving with a couple of blades backwards for good results.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Art, we obviously share some automotive secrets.
However, as I get older my nose prefers the aroma of a good cigar to that of a circular saw blade going through a tire backwards.
I have discovered thought that with just a little bit of fiddling one of the those Weller 'instant hot' soldering guns can be adapted to tire grooving quitte nicely, .
If you need to 'adjust' your wife's concept of fast I can loan you my V-12 BMW, I promise you she will think the cart is TAME after a little spin down the Interstate, .
Best of luck.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
By the way Cutter, the Kubota is on it's way and it is a beauty for what I've seen. We will be ordering fifteen so if any one has a need?
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