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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Murf do you have electric ? How long does it take to charge the batteries ? Art, Wow, that sounds like a real bargain !I was looking at the EZ go gas 480. I think its 15 hp and its rated at 17 mph. How big is the engine in the Yamaha ? Dave
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Dave, mine is a Yamaha gas unit, the main reason why was the lack of attebtion required, if I forget to plug in an electric it's dead, the gas just goes when you step on the pedal. Besides I take it to the cottage or farm lots and the gas unit is just more convenient for that.
The new version is called a "G-Max" but mine is a G9A, they're basically the same unit though, top speed is a blistering 15 mph, but that doesn't seem to change much up hill or down, so it is obviously not all it is capable of.
The engine is a 357cc single cylinder 4 stroke, really quiet and smooth.
There are not as many 'off road' parts available as for the EZ-GO but as Art mentioned it is a better unit all round.
They do now make an off-road utility vehicle though, it is even part-time 4WD, it is called the "Side by Side", but it is a LOT more money.
The link below is for one of the biggest after-market customizer, mostly for people haulers though, around for Yamaha Golf Cars, they are in Texas.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Murf, Thats why I was thinking primarily gas as well. I dont really care too much about the aftermarket stuff. The most I would ever do is lift it and put bigger tires on. There would be no "need" for that other than to tinker. Did you pick up your used ? These are a Lot more here than what is getting posted. With the exchange rate it might be worth my time to hop over your way as Toronto is only 4 hours from me. I can actually get to upstate New York as fast as to my property. . You guys really got me thinking on this deal. I completely had it out of my mind for this year as I was thinking it would cost soooo much more $$. The Yamaha is about 50cc bigger than the EZ Go. I worked for more than my share of country Clubs in the past and I know how the EZ go's were getting worked on and charged all the time. Dave
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Dave, the local Yamaha golf car distributor, who is also the areas largest Toro turf equipment & irrigation equipment distributor usually has a good selection of used cars in stock, however I'm not sure how much cheaper they would be, even with the exchange rates, they are not known for their discount prices, nudge, nudge, can you say 'exclusive territiory'.
I was looking at their site, and even though it is a little out of date, it still shows that the used units are about US$1500 to US$1750 (CDN$200 to CDN$2500) but mind you they are not junk either.
As for the lift kits, knobby tires, etc., a lot of non-golf users up here do nothing more than swap the back two tires for standard lawn tractor tires and go. You would only need a lift kit and aggresive tires to venture into the really tough stuff, they're pretty good off-road right from the factory.
Mine was actually a contra deal, we did some work on the house of the owner of one of the courses I deal with and forgot to bill him, he in turn forgot where he left one of his golf cars....
Best of luck.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Murf, $1750 is actually a very good price. I have seen $2500 for a totally re-built out of S Carolina. New around $3,600. Can you post their site ? Most of the used I am seeing look used and abused. Dave
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
OK Art, you are not that far from me so tell me where you got that price. I have not seen anything close to $1200 unless it was over ten years old.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
I am not even seeing any thing 10 years old at auction for $1200. The totally rebuilt ones for $2500 are starting to look good but $1750 sounds fair for a 1998 or newer. Dave
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Here's the thing Dave, did you notice that Art's is a 1998 for $1200? The best I can find is a 1995 for $1700. Perhaps things are cheaper in the middle of the state, I'd like to find out before I commit to one. On the other hand, he may have bartered a bit and swapped a lifetime of blade sharpening or something to offset the cost, who knows.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Been out puttering. Been stuck twice, needed a push. We're past 20 mph I think, I haven't hit it with the gun yet, but I can get more with some clutch work and the bigger tires . Played with the throttle control to the point of full or no throttle but have centered on full petal control. Been looking on line for a good lift kit and tires but haven't seen the options for the yamaha carts like the others. The cart that I bought was from a golf coarse and it was bought as is and has had no detailing and it for sure needs it. The cart was from a coarse that closed and they sat idle for two years for so I was told, as the cleanliness of the machine is lacking but they had been running it for utility purposes. I believe it is a G-16 model for what I have seen as I haven't noticed the tag yet. The belt looks to be original as well as the air cleaner so both are going and I need to do a full lube. Cutter, I have enough work that I'm definitly not going to be sharpening any mower blades, but that is why I have help, I'll try it the next time. We are an old relationship and have worked back and forth for about 6 or seven Bota's and a couple of Ferris mowers. This was the last of the group. If one of my other contacts come thru that I made I'll let you know. He did have a couple of ugly work carts that he wanted me to take but I just couldn't bring myself to that as they were about ten years older and had been run but still ran good but was about a 2 on looks. I think it's still going to take about another thou to put it up to where I want it if I don't get to carried away.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
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