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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
What a great website Murf! There is no question, the golf cart with minor conversions is the way to go. I really don't want to get into a full size motor vehicle, too many maintenance items and parts that could fail. Not to mention, I want something small that can be parked inside but out of the way.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
What is the speed of these? Will they climb much of a hill?
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Speed is the end relationship between horsepower & gearing. Putting on bigger tires makes for more top-end speed at the expense of bottom-end power.
Gas or electric is a whole other subject.
The ones I've seen have a top-end similar to stock units.
The off-road, including hill-climbing abilities of these things are pretty good, especially at low speeds.
Best of luck.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
A yamaha gas golf goes about 10 mph,climbs my 20% gravel drive ok with traction tires, its also very quiet and easy to use, going down that drive is the hard part, 4wheel brakes would help alot
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Murf, being Canadian couldn't you get a nice discount on a Bombardier engine to drop in one ?? A 600 blizzard should put her at about 70 mph ? Just like being on the boat Dave
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
So what do you say Murf, gas over electric? I was initially leaning toward electric but after seeing the dune buggy conversions think gas is the way to go. I figure 1700 for the cart and a grand for the add-ons. The dealer will install a steel box in place of the bag rack for less than two hundred, made for the unit. That puts me at less than 3k for the whole setup and certainly less than a four wheeler. I will enjoy painting the body myself and installing the lift kit! I'll call it "Hi Cutter" :>
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Reminds me of Hi karate ! . Does the dealer in your area have a web site ? For that price It would probably be worth it for me to drive over there. Dave
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
No site that I am aware of Dave. You have my e-mail, send me a note and I will explain more if you wish. He is an Ez Go dealer as well as my youngest son's old soccer coach. He has two machines that are made by EZ Go that are similar to ones on the website Murf posted but look more like a 4x2 gator. He wants to get rid of them in the worst way, paying floor plan. One is reduced to 5k the other 6k, I believe one has a dump box.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Actually if you don't have long distances to cover the electric is superior in a lot of ways, plus with an electric cart you have the option of 4 wheel drive, yup, I said FOUR WHEEL DRIVE.
They have one of these things at the marina in FL I frequent, they use it for moving & launching boats and general run-around chores in the yard. Unbelievable power, the factory motor is in the neighbourhood of 3hp, the aftermarket unit is 11+ hp, BIG difference.
The modified electric units will do 20 mph, and have a nearly 30 mile range on a single charge.
Check out the link below to Hunting Shop below that sells everything you need for these buggies.
BTW, they are UNSURPASSED for hunting, you can get so close to game before they even know you're there it's incredible, one of the fellows here complains constantly about almost getting run over by deer coming the other way, or coming over a hill and a herd standing in the middle of the trail. Around my house you can get so close to the wild turkeys before they move off you almost have to bump them to get them off the trail.
Best of luck.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Well boys you made me do it!!!? Six golf coarses and sales places later and the number one cart the most times was Yamaha for reliablity. Bought a nice clean 1998 gas for $1200. Now where are the best deals on wheels and tires? What else should I know? The plot here keeps getting deeper.
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