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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
I know the feeling Art, have been caught in those. I am going to install a lightning rod and ground plate on mine, I can safely ride them out that way.
Interesting vehicle Eric. Another option I thought of sits down the road from me. It is an old jeep cj with a bimini top, he is asking 1.5k or b/o. I missed a flat hood for 1k last month, those are my favorite.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Peters BOY did that tug back a memory! I did my last tour in Korea, 1990. They use those! The Koreas can build some purty neat stuff from salvage. This one seems a little more refined than the ones I saw. 13 years does wonders.
One of the koolest things was a little 4wd tractor hooked to a cart with a pto drive thru a transmission to the differential making a 6x6. Wallered right thru the paddies.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Again it comes back into how much you want to spend and what exactly you want it to haul. You mention tools so many vehicles cal do this. We have a summer place at a lake about an hour away which is like a small community. I had the desire for something to drive around, put in the waverunners and keep the kids busy but safe. An ATV would be just to fast for the kids and I already have the trailer, truck, and tractor to pull anything with big weight.
I ended up getting a 2000 Gas Club Car golf cart, this was green but I painted it red, put lights and a fold down back seat and oversized tires on it. I usually carrier three to four adults, hundreds of pound of ice etc.. I think it has a three gallon gas tank which last 8 or more hours. Not real fast but does this trick. During hunting season I have a camo cover and use propane to heat inside..
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Sounds like a perfect environment for a Subaru Brat. Wish they still made them.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
I think you guys under-estimate the off-road ability of a golf cart. Take from someone who has seen what they can do, completely stock they are incredible, customized for the task they are UNBELIEVABLE.
That's right, I said CUSTOMIZED, there are many companies out there that make off-road parts and whole kits for such purpose.
Several of my younger employees have taken to this, one of whom I might add had to be asked to stop wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with "Ride it like you STOLE it!!!" to work.
See the link below for some neat stuff for the brave at heart. It's interesting reading if nothing else, or just search by "off-road golf cart" on your favourite search engine.
BTW Art, I have tried a couple of these 'customized' golf carts on trails around my place, they ride so nicely you'll seriously wonder why you sat on a 4-wheeler so many years, especially after a long ride. The kids took theirs on a 4 day trek last fall, they covered about 70 miles a day for 4 days straight. Apparently they shocked a lot of ardent 4-wheel enthusiasts who came across them along the way.
Best of luck.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
A golf cart will go the distance stock as Murf said. There is an Island in Howe Sound (Keats) that restricted cars years ago and allow residences only golf carts. Some carts are very old now and the Island is quite mountainous so the roads are quite difficult to pass.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Murf those are pretty slick machines. I see they want $3,100 for a 2001 with a gas engine. Does that seem right against the prices Cutter mentioned ??? At under 2k Its got me thinkin one would be pretty handy at camp. I just stayed away from the 4 wheelers and the others so far due to the cost and I dont want to leave something that expensive up north untill I get a better garage built. Dave
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
I too was considering a mule/polaris/gator/cart for use around our farm. What we ended up with is a ragged, rusty, but mechanically sound '87 Toyota 4x4 std cab shortbed pickup. I will admit that it is probably not as much fun as any of the other options, but it will haul more, and is more economical than most of the others (paid $1K). Also, it is truly unbelievable where you can go with one of these things if you are not at all concerned about preserving the bodywork.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Dave, it's surprising where one of those little suckers will go with nothing more than a swap of the rear two tires to something with a little more bite, lawn tractor tires work weel, as do ATV knobby tires.
If you figure at paying $1,000 to $2,000 for a decent unit in good condition, another $1,000 for an 'off-road' conversion, the price makes sense.
Personally, unless the going is REALLY tough, I wouldn't do anything but the tire swap.
I need to look through my pic. collection, somewhere I have one of a snaowmobile conversion of an EZ-GO an ice fishing cabin rental place did, they replaced each front wheel with a ski and then put an idler axle out back with a slip on track around the pair on each side. It worked pretty good and was VERY effective.
Best of luck.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Murf, yeah the price really makes it attractive. I'd like to see a photo of that ice fishing hook up. I cant however start thinking about SNOW !!!!! yikes, you just got me dreamin about Bahama Mamas I even dusted the bottle of Nassau Royal and got the overproof rum down. Is that the Palm trees movin or is it just me ??? . Dave
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