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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
The Pictures you posted are about 11k in size. You are actually allowed to have Pix up to 30k (3 times bigger than you posted), and secretly I have boosted that to about 40k to accommodate wide formats, I calculate pix size based on a load formula, as I cannot tell the size before hand, that's why some pix that are kind of big get truncated, so you are better off staying close to the 30k limit if at all possible.
If you are following my howto you can experiment with different settings and check the filesize in File Explorer in windows before you load it. The howto uses MSPaint as most everyone has it, there are many other image editing products on the Market that can do the same thing, and usually better.
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Golf cart, ATV or Gator type vehicle?
Are there any updates on the golf cart escapades? The four wheeler was handy enough but not a real go getter in the snow. That is once it got over two feet deep :> The last of the several feet we had developed a crust and I was riding around on top of it prior to the thaw.
The wife had a fit the first time I zipped her across the front yard over to the restaurant for her Friday fish. Hasn't been on it since. Really has been handy, carrying my "stuff" back and forth to the barn. Stopped at Gander Mountain and checked out all the options, love that four point cage that can carry a ladder! How is your Yamaha coming along Art!
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